This is from a fan who decided to share their story: Im not sure - TopicsExpress


This is from a fan who decided to share their story: Im not sure why I feel the need to say this, most of all to you guys (cause no offense, but I dont know any of yall from Adam), but it needs to be said, and sometimes its easiest to talk to a friendly stranger over friends or family. For the majority of my life, people have written off my love for Harry Potter as childish and immature. They ask why I have such a deep connection to this fandom, and since my reasoning is one that I typically dont share, they dismiss it. I first encountered Harry Potter when I was six, with the release of the first movie. I watched with my older sister, and when she mentioned that the movie was based off a book that she happened to already own, I convinced her to let me borrow it. (This isnt as unusual as it sounds. I was always a very advanced child, teaching myself how to read at age three with the book Tom Sawyer, and going on to read Gone With the Wind by four) By then, my dad had already started abusing me and my mom and sister. Harry Potter gave me the strength and hope to carry on throughout everything. Harry was like an older brother to me, someone who was also abused, also starved and unloved. Someone who was rescued. Someone who survived, and became a good person regardless of the pain and suffering they were subjected too. Harry gave me hope that one day, I would be rescued too, and that I would survive my father, and become a good person. Harry Potter gave me the strength and the will to fight for my survival, to outwit my father and live, if nothing else, until my Hagrid came too. And when my father finally went to jail when I was nine, it was Harry Potter that gave me the ability to rise from the ashes, much like Fawkes, and start over, reinventing myself into the girl I wanted to be. Harry Potter was my best friend, my brother, my entire life. The characters were my family. Harry Potter came into my life at a point when I didnt want to live anymore, didnt want to fight. Harry Potter saved my life, and I will forever be thankful to J.K. Rowling for providing me with that magic. ~Prongs
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:25:51 +0000

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