This is going to be one of those posts that gather all of the hate - TopicsExpress


This is going to be one of those posts that gather all of the hate mail and death threats and takfir-calls, so be prepared! For the longest time, the Twitter user @shamiwitness would always mock me (and all of the other callers to Islam): call me a sell-out, a RAND-paid consultant, a coconut (and by the way, I absolutely LOVE coconuts!!), a munafiq, etc. In one message, he accused me of being a hypocrite because I was enjoying life at home and not being on the battlefield, and because I could not possibly know the reality of the situation as I was not on the front lines. As is my method, I ignore such impetuousness and do not dignify it with a response. Allah will be the judge of my sincerity and faith. Turns out, Mr. Shami Witness is in fact Mehdi Biswas, a young 24 years old Indian IT worker who himself has never stepped foot in the conflict zone in Syria. Of course, as was expected, not only was he himself living at home and not in the battlefield, he had absolutely NO Islamic training or scholarly background. I have said this before and Ill say it again: most of those who cheer ISIS and other such inhumane brutal organizations are either government agent provocateurs themselves, wanting to bait and lure out internet radicals (and there are plenty of documented examples of this), or young, deluded (and perhaps sincere), impressionable minds who have absolutely no Islamic credentials, have done nothing themselves, yet feel qualified to dismiss everyone who opposes them, with the worse and most vile of words. To be clear: I am not commenting on whether he deserves to be punished for his views (which I most certainly find repugnant), nor am I accusing him of being insincere (much less a hypocrite). What I am saying, and I see no reason to mince my words here, is that the people who bark the loudest online typically turn out to be the most docile, ineffective, counterproductive, unrealistic people in the real world. The anonymity of the internet makes imaginary lions out of real sheep, or, for our example, radical jihadists out of young, overzealous computer programmers. Let the comments below begin, and you shall see the truth of what I am saying. PS. Before any condemnations come about my alleged silence on American crimes, please read the last few statuses on my FB account, all of which have clearly condemned the duplicitousness, inhumanity, brutality, and outright evil of American foreign policy and torture. I sympathize with the pain of the Syrian and Iraqi and Afghani peoples, and their anger against America, but ISIS will only exacerbate that pain in the short and long run. ndtv/article/cheat-sheet/this-man-ran-shamiwitness-islamic-state-s-top-twitter-account-say-police-634160
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:53:39 +0000

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