This is just about giving ourselves a realistic political voice. - TopicsExpress


This is just about giving ourselves a realistic political voice. We are governed at the moment by a coalition government that is mainly Conservative, there are more pandas in Scotland than elected Tory M.Ps yet we still suffer under their rule. We didnt choose this! These people will happily try to tell us that it is in our best interests to vote NO tomorrow, these men who live, work and grew up in England have publicly chosen to involve certain parts of the press who no doubt have their own agendas to advertise their togetherness with their so called vow to Scotland. Propaganda at best, members of Camerons own party have stated they will oppose this and talk of a backlash that would be like a bloodbath We are being lied to yet again! We have the unique chance of Independence without a single shot being fired, we have to take it now. Why should we believe a government that have time and time again made promises and pledges that have been broken or a biased media that has used propaganda, half truths and out and out lies to scare people. Its time to distance ourselves from the very people who created Broken Britain and make our own choices in the political arena.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:11:30 +0000

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