This is lengthy, but I really need to share my Thank You to a few - TopicsExpress


This is lengthy, but I really need to share my Thank You to a few people... My first Thank You goes out to Dale Moorhouse, whos post was made on March 28th at 2:09 PM. Dale asked that members comment about families that had started their own business in Elgin. I briefly commented about my Dad owning a Motor Repair Shop in So. Elgin around 1967. I also mentioned that my Dad passed in 1974 and my brothers took over the business. Since Dales post, wonderful things have happened. My second Thank You goes out to James Schroeder for contacting me within the same thread that Dale started! James read through the comments. After he had read what I wrote, James thought that perhaps he and I were related from waaaay back. He and I private messaged and found that yes, we could very well be related! How wonderful is that?! My third Thank You goes out to Larry Jones. Like James, Larry also read through the thread that all started with Dales post. Larry contacted me this morning. (No, we are not long lost relatives.) Larry and I private messaged about the day he tried desperately to save my Dads life. Larry was a policeman in So. Elgin. I asked Larry if I could share with you his story, because I wanted to thank him publicly. He gave me the go ahead. The best way to tell the story is to show you the messages we shared. ( Thanks, Larry for giving me your permission! ) This is the conversation we shared. (Larry) Hi Donna , I saw your post about the electric motor shop on Rt.31 and have a question. Around 1973, I went to call of someone not breathing there. John Bost, a volunteer fireman who ran an auto shop up the alley, and I did CPR put I dont think we were successful. I think that it was an employee because we were in the back part of the shop. Was that a family member? In the days before paramedics, I saw so many people pass away that would survive today. Take care. ***** (Donna) You are the one! Thank you! Yes, that was my Dad. He was a paraplegic and got around with the use of crutches, braces, and a wheelchair. That day, he and my younger brother were working together. My Dad was checking out a motor for a customer when he was hit with the full electrical current and was electrocuted. My brother shut off the current. Dads last words were, it almost got me this time... With that, he was already gone. Thank you soooo much, Larry for your efforts. It warms my heart having a face and name for the man who came to my Dads aide. Please thank John for me! You both are (and always have been) heroes in my eyes!! Now, every time I see your face here on FB, I will be reminded of what you did for my Dad. Thank you so very much, Larry for remembering that day! God Bless You today and everyday! ❤️ I just want you to know that what happened to my Dad was a total accident. He was ALWAY very careful of what he did when it came to electricity. He respected it. What we found out was that the motor he was checking out had been worked on previously. The motor had been wired up wrong, but my Dad had no idea at that time. When he hooked up the power to check it out, the current went through one hand and out the other, passing through his heart! I know that you worked with him for a good length of time, and it was about 45 minutes later that the doctors declared him dead. There was a small burn on his back where the doctors were certain that he died instantly because of the electricity passing through his heart. Larry, I would like to share this story with the other members of the Elgin group... Would you mind? I feel a need to publicly thank you for what you did for my Dad. Let me know... ***** (Larry) Donna, I remember your father very well and your brothers. I cannot believe that I did not remember that it was your father that day. Im sorry that I didnt soften my question a bit. I had been on the police department four years if that was 1974 and that was the first time I had used the CPR training that we received. John moved to FL many years ago. His wife was a friend of my mothers so he must have been quite a bit older. I have always felt that had this happened a few years later, the paramedics would have been able to save your father. Donna , you can share this but I was only doing my job and the fact that we didnt revive your father made me feel like we had not done very much. 30 years on the police department and the time that passes can make you forget about the impact some of our acts had or have on others. Your message was very kind. ***** (Donna) Larry, I cannot thank you enough. In the next day or two, I will post this touching story. I can only say...God Bless YOU for all you did! I am honored to say you are my friend!! **** (Larry) Thank you, Donna. One other thing came to mind. In the days of volunteer firemen, it took a while to get them from their jobs to the station and to the scene. Im certain that John Bost and I were at the shop less than 10 minutes before the emergency truck arrived with other firemen. Im sure that we alternated CPR after they got there. ***** (Donna) Larry, I remember being told by Gordy (brother) that he saw someone run (you?) from across the street to my Dads shop. Ive always imagined how that all went down. In my mind I see a man running, slim build, wearing a dark shirt and slacks, with very dark hair...hmmm, kinda sounds like you, doesnt it!? 😊 You made my day, Larry. I cant stop thinking about it... There you have it.... This is why I love this Elgin group so much! We all touch one anothers lives at one point or another. I will be forever grateful to Larry and John for trying to keep my Dad alive. They never gave up on him. I am thankful that James asked if we were related. Lastly, I am thankful for Dales post. Without this, I never would have known... I am truly Blessed...X3
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:10:44 +0000

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