This is long. bear with me. I have read some of the comments and - TopicsExpress


This is long. bear with me. I have read some of the comments and recalled numerous remarks made in the past. Let me be blunt. Either the founding fathers were opportunist who found a way to usurp power from the crown, or they were sincere in ensuring that self government was for all Americans. We know that the colonies were British colonies. By them taking up arms against the crown they were guilty of treason, including the founding fathers. The 2nd amendment does not give you license to wage war against the government, it gives you the ability. Using that ability has its consequences as was seen in the civil war. The right to bear arms is another checks and balances, not a end all to solve officials grab for power and control, that must be done through civic engagement. One person once commented that the Gun Caucus went against the interests of the Democratic party. I am sorry, I thought the Democrats wanted to expand rights, not to destroy them. I thought the party fought for those who could not fight for themselves, not take away the very checks and balances that give them the right to speak against wrongdoing. While some have had outbursts about children being killed, none of us really want to see bloodshed, especially that of innocent children. Some of us find it peculiar that timing is coincidental, and questions if the situation was a staged event done by covert sleeper cells. In that there are policies, procedures, and laws that deal with crime, funding is far from adequate, neither is enforcement. Some may want to give up rights to save others, I see it the other way around. I see giving up rights loses more. So my die hard stance is not so others will die, but that so many more will live, including those who disagree!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 06:01:48 +0000

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