(This is long, but worth the read ;) ) Earlier today Keziah and - TopicsExpress


(This is long, but worth the read ;) ) Earlier today Keziah and I were out of town running errands, and decided we needed a salad from Panera Bread. Upon walking into the building, Keziah let go of my hand and proceeded to walk up to every woman she saw and say, Hi! ultimately to my surprise, she also asked, Hug you? And would hug the ladies legs, and run to the next. I was slightly embarrassed and tried chasing her down and apologized to the women while still running after my almost-2-year old. I chased her to the other side of the restaurant when I witnessed something that I truly feel has changed the way I look at my daughter. There was a middle aged woman sitting in a corner booth, minding her own business when Keziah interrupted, HI! I hug you? Peas (please)? The woman stared blankly at her until she reached down and gave her the biggest hug I think Keziah has ever received. Keziah clung onto this stranger for 10-15 seconds, as tears streamed from this womans eyes. After they released, Keziah also gave this woman a kiss on her cheek. I was so distracted and preparing to give a long apology when the woman interrupted me by telling me she lost a baby girl many many years ago, and it was nearing the anniversary of her daughters death. She said that she had always imagined that her daughter would look much like Keziah with blonde curly hair, and have an outgoing personality. She said she had been quite depressed, and had been praying for God to bring some hope and light into her life... apparently after that prayer was when my little girl ran up to her... I cant begin to describe how much my little girl just taught me. I was busy being mom, and doing mom things, that I wasnt sensitive to the broken hearts around me. I remember a season in my life I was VERY sensitive to people and strangers that I would often witness and become very good friends with complete strangers. Recently that has not been the case as Ive been distracted with the busyness that being a mother, a wife, entrepreneur and friend can bring. But oh my how quickly the Lord reminded me that sometimes SLOWING down to recognize Gods soft calling can indeed have so much more of an impact on people than my busyness could ever accomplish. MATTHEW 18:1-3 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 03:09:21 +0000

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