This is not just a is GM good or bad issue? Its related to some of - TopicsExpress


This is not just a is GM good or bad issue? Its related to some of the other posts Ive put up: the current scramble for Africa for example. Its about the copyrighting of seeds, the privatisation of resources which we, as a genus, have in common since time immemorial. GM crops means being in hock to Monsanto and its like in perpituity for fertilisers, GM crops means - and this has happened in the US, farmers being sued if GM seeds happen to stray, as they will, onto their land. Make no mistake. GM at basis - or has turned out to be - is not about relieving world poverty or providing foods for third world nations: its about profit. Witness what has happened in India - traditional methods are being supplanted: people are getting less nourished rather than more - poverty is on the up: theres an epidemic of suicides among Indian farmers, because theyre not planting seeds for food, but for staving off the debts accrued when they let people like Monsanto in. Please sign. Thanks for listening.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:16:55 +0000

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