This is something that I need to put out there so there is no - TopicsExpress


This is something that I need to put out there so there is no doubt or confusion. It is an excerpt from an email I just sent to some longtime friends and supporters: Our support raising has grown somewhat stagnant. I have traveled many miles to visit many churches but the support just doesn’t seem to be coming in. Also, I’ve realized over all of those visits that I’d truly like to become ordained so that I will be qualified to not just support the work of pastor-training in Africa, but to take an active role in doing so myself. I have applied to Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We hope to hear of my acceptance any day now as my intention is to begin classes in March. As our dear friends and long-time supporters, I want you to be fully aware of what this entails. Over the past 7 years, Dana and I have come to understand The Book of Concord, a compilation of Reformation-era documents from the 1500s, to be a faithful exegesis or explanation of the Holy Scriptures. This book lays the theological groundwork upon which what is known as “Lutheran” today is built. Therefore, we consider ourselves now to be Lutheran. Unfortunately, there are bodies of churches that still bear the name “Lutheran” yet have abandoned the Scriptures, even to the extent of denying the very basic doctrine of biblical inerrancy. We are Lutheran, but NOT among those who commit such grave errors. We belong to the Lutheran church body called Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). It is into this ‘synod’ that I aspire to become ordained. The path would take me through two years of master’s level seminary study, followed by one year of vicarage (working directly under a current, seasoned pastor in his congregation; somewhat like an apprenticeship), then concluded with an additional year of seminary study. So, after four total years, I would then become Rev. Jonathan McCall and would hope to then finally get back to Africa. I’d put to use my theological training, coupled with my French, Swahili and English fluency, in order to help form African Christians to be teachers of The Faith. I can tell you that our becoming Lutheran and serving as such has caused conflict in the consciences of many, many of our long time supporters. Thus, they have decided to withdraw their support of us but, by all means, we understand why. It is a very difficult decision to support Lutheran workers while being confessing Baptists. Therefore, Dana and I want you to first know that we love and adore you and always will. Second, we want you to know that we understand the conflict into which us being Lutheran may place you in your consciences. You are in no way obligated to continue to support us, especially if that were to cause you to violate your conscience. We love you and do not want to lead you into that sin. So, if you see that you want to withdraw your support, know without a doubt that you have our understanding and support in doing so. It will be taken with absolutely no offense to any degree. If you do have a clear conscience in continuing to support us, thank you. It means a lot to us, especially now that our current status and plans are at full disclosure. You don’t have to immediately decide whether or not to continue your support. I am always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. I would enjoy doing so. We love you dearly. Peace in Christ
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 00:46:22 +0000

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