This is super real and disturbing, be warned if you read on :( - TopicsExpress


This is super real and disturbing, be warned if you read on :( From a friend ; "Today on my daily beach walk/jog i walked along, listening to music in my headphones, and cried and cried for these women of Papua New Guinea I felt the pain of these women, being tortured, having their genitals burnt, and some actually killed for being accused of supposedly using "black magic" to kill other people. I felt so deeply sad that it was men who had done this to women. Then my mind stretched across the globe to the middle east, where "honour killings" still take place, women are sometimes stabbed to death by their own fathers, uncles, brothers or family members. Most of the time ~ or more accurately ~ all of the time, these women are completely innocent. I thought about the stoning to death of women in the middle east, which still barbarically takes place, the hanging to death of women and even teenage girls, and i thought about the female genital mutilation in Africa. I contemplated the sacredness of woman, the most intense, profound and sacred ordeal we go through with blood coming out of our vaginas every single month persistently, the sacred miraculous power we hold of gestating another human life within our very own bodies, and the wondrous ability to birth another human into existence. I cried as i once again, struggled to understand what ever happened to human consciousness. How does one human hurt another so horrifically. I cried more and more tears as i contemplated the sacredness of woman that deserves to be truly supported, honoured, loved, respected and protected by the men of this world. Once again, I surrendered my life to serving humanity, and asked great spirit/creator/godgoddess/universal source to make me an instrument for global healing and universal peace. On days like this when i feel the profound pain that my family of humanity are experiencing,and feel overwhelmed by the heaviness of what takes place on this planet, I still know there is hope, healing is possible, and i trust ever more in humanities greatest potential. I have witnessed and created healing miracles within my own life and my own body, and i know collectively the momentum is building that is healing and restoring communities around the globe. To all the beings in my life and around the planet that are bringing love and light and doing something positive to better this world, whether that may be through art, craft, music, healing,health & wellbeing, teaching, serving, building beautiful communities and families, humanitarian work, event management, sustainability, permaculture etc ..i thank you... ..i honour you.. Know you are serving the greatest good for humanity and part of building the new world. Love is here. We are rising up. Namaste ♥
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 01:56:48 +0000

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