This is the Liberal Legacy and Utopia......we dont have to wait - TopicsExpress


This is the Liberal Legacy and Utopia......we dont have to wait and see what to expect in Americas future. We are now running at full speed down that path and time is our enemy. Is this the America you wanted. Then do something! Oh be wise what more can I say! We dont have to accept the decisions and regulation of corrupt Politicans, the Judiciary, the all knowing academics, the social activists and the blind followers. We are the people, government cannot give or take our rights unless we allow them, government exists at our leisure and politicians are not our masters.We have the unalieniable right to demand freedom and liberty. It is our right to disagree, and disobey if need be, history has shown we have done it before. If our liberty is threatened either externally or within it become our be obligation to raise the standard of liberty, to raise our voices against injustice, political correctness, tyranny, and corruption and stand firm to our convictions. Many have given there lives to this end for which we are eternally grateful. However If we choose to do nothing then I suppose we deserve and can look foreward to living in Detroit or Chicago.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:14:50 +0000

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