This is the latest post out to ReMembers! If you are NOT a member - TopicsExpress


This is the latest post out to ReMembers! If you are NOT a member of ReMovement and would like to be then send £10 via PayPal and the word JOIN to [email protected] and we will register you by return! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Update in the class action law suit being brought by Freeman Legal Services on behalf of Re Movement as well as other stuff TIME TO TELL THE TRUTH THERE IS A PLAN AND UNFORTUNATELY... YOU ARE IT! “You will fail on every level to comprehend what’s happening in your world if you do not accept that there is an off planet group [“The Others”] steering things from behind a mirror most dark!” Peter of England Poor Response It has been around 4 weeks for many of you since the last update. In these matters, law suits, processes often move slowly. Please do not however imagine that there is nothing happening to bring matters forward. The closing date for people to join the class action was 21st June 2013 (solstice). Only 50 people joined. This was a very poor showing after all the effort made. It was NEVER a question of donations it was a MEASURE of public willingness to fight, a taste for Redress, a call to do something. One thing that is conspicuous by its absence is that there has been (to my knowledge) no news whatsoever in the Big Brother propaganda media machine of any further action/news about the initial raid on BP and Shell UK’s HQ on the 14th May 2013 following the price fixing allegations. Why is this? There are movements afoot which will bring these matters to light soon – but for now it is sufficient to say that there is a very big battle raging between the powers of light and dark. Nothing is ever certain BUT it may be that a few surprises are in store for many this year. Mr Snowden and Julian Assange are also part of this ongoing “waltz of death” and it is this issue which I will address later. Papers are being prepared and an official claim for compensation will be served on all 7 Sisters Corporations sometime in September. Criminal charges will involve racketeering, money laundering, fraud, theft as well as charges brought under International treaties for waging wars of aggression and charges of torture and genocide against indigenous populations in both the Middle East as well as in South America. Please read “Confessions of and Economic Hitman” by John Perkins[]. WeRe Bank 83, Ducie Street Manchester M1 2JQ is preparing chequing accounts for everyone who joined Re Movement or JOINED the 7 Sisters Class Action Law Suit. This is to ensure that you can deliver “promissory notes” to gas and filling stations to pay for fuel without being charged under 1978 Section 3 of the Theft Act(1968) for “making off without payment!” More news on this to follow. We need as many people as possible involved in this as the launch day should be the same for everyone to present the notes! This will be like a flash-mob on fuel! TIME TO TELL THE TRUTH The Legal Rats run across the draw-bridge The law firm (Edwin Coe, 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn London) who initially agreed to provisionally handle the class action would only handle it as a “follow on claim” that is they would only deal with it if/when the companies in question had lost in their defence in the criminal courts. This in effect allows them to maintain a clean pair of hands as the higher echelons of Masonic City bag-men would have already set ground-rules for additional actions in the civil courts etc. As this is NOT acceptable to us then we decided to forge ahead with a Class Action to be brought by the litigants (of which you form part) via an International Common Law Court of Record. This court will be convened in due course and witnesses will be called and defendants will be summoned to appear. Those who fail or refuse to attend will be issued with International Arrest Warrants for their immediate arrest and detention. All we need to achieve this (conventionally i.e. as the world turns at present) is ONE magistrate prepared to sign a warrant. This would be very similar to the actions of Balthazar Garzon who was the magistrate (Spanish) who signed the arrest warrant for Augusto Pinochet when he was in England for medical treatment in 200? See: General Augusto Pinochet was indicted for human rights violations committed in his native Chile by Spanish magistrate Baltasar Garzón on 10 October 1998. He was arrested in London six days later and held for a year and a half before finally being released by the British government in March 2000. Authorized to freely return to Chile, Pinochet was there first indicted by judge Juan Guzmán Tapia, and charged with a number of crimes, before dying on 10 December 2006, without having been convicted in any case. His arrest in London made the front-page of newspapers worldwide as not only did it involve the head of the military dictatorship that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990, but it was the first time that several European judges applied the principle of universal jurisdiction, declaring themselves competent to judge crimes committed by former heads of state, despite local amnesty laws. If this cannot be achieved then in parallel we will issue a Public International Warrant issued from the International Common Law Court of Record 750181 empowering “anyone anywhere” (this is called an AA Warrant) to detain the person. This obviously will be via common consent and assisted by the “others.” PROMISSORY NOTE Those who have JOINED the class action have had an account opened for them automatically at WeRe Bank to the sum of 20RE. If they wish to take advantage of the offer of submitting the Promissory Note then they should follow the guidelines as set out on the last You Tube video and ensure that the words “Or order” are written on the note. The note can be to an initial total of £100,000 STG/98,000 minutes of time repayable at a maximum of 10 years after the dating of the note. This note will be a negotiable instrument under UCC as well as the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and a Credit Note can/will be issued against it. The note is PAYABLE TO WERE BANK OR TO ORDER. scuttlaw/?page_id=647 See guidelines! GOING ON THE OFFENSIVE AGAINST THE 7 SISTERS ET AL WeRe bank will be producing CD’s for you all to show that you have funds deposited with a bank. It will also then produce a counterpart to your promissory note (a checking book for prom notes if you wish – THAT IS IF YOU HAVE DEPOSITED ONE) which will then allow you to wage a positive campaign against the 7 Sisters Cartel by taking the fuel from the forcourt and then offering payment NOT in the way of a cheque but in the way of a PROMISSORY NOTE which cannot be refused under either UCC or Bills of Exchange Act 1882. Furthermore if the forecourt attendant calls the police, YOU CAN EITHER WAIT OR GO, BUT IF YOU GO THEN you CANNOT be charged with a Section 3 1978 Theft Act (1968 as amended) offence of “making off without payment” as you have made a full and final settlement for the goods and services via a negotiable instrument (a promissory note NOT cheque) counter-partied with a DEPOSIT held in your name in WeRe Bank’s vaults (virtual vaults!!). We know you will like this. We HAVE CREATED AN ACCRUAL ACCOUNT (+/-) WHICH WILL INITIATE A SET-OFF OF FUNDS FROM CREDITOR (so called) to DEBTOR (so called). How they reward the faithful for services rendered. The Spanish Treasury Minister spills the beans. Spanish noses in the trough – Blair and Obama exposed soon!! If you follow the news you will see that astonishing revelations are being made in Spain about government slush funds. These accusations are NOT being made by just anybody though. They are being made by the person who made the payments. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Tim Geithner and Bernanke and Merkel, Sarkosy, Hollande and many more will soon be feeling the “noose of public indignity” around their scrawny, chicken like necks. See article: Mr Rajoy shrugged off calls from his political opponents to call an early general election following further revelations of secret cash payments to party leaders from an illicit slush fund. Pressure mounted on Mr Rajoy, 58, as Luis Barcenas, the disgraced former Popular Party treasure went before an investigating judge to give details of how the PP engaged in illegal party funding…. The leaked messages fuelled anger over allegations that Mr Rajoy and other senior party members had received undeclared cash payments over several years from a fund of illegal donations given by businessmen in return for lucrative contracts. Another Method – A Formula Film There exists a parallel black money economy which exists on the other side of the ledger screen from that which you see on a daily financing/accounting basis. This money is the SLUSH fund of the elite families and cannot be touched or removed as it is not at all connected in any traceable way to the Wall Street/FED clown car which passes as “reality” for the 7 billion planetary inhabitants. To explain how it is used it is best to give an example. You are a Prime Minister who has served the Illuminati enslavement agenda flawlessly for a 10 year period. Let us pretend that you name is Tony or Barrack or Bill and your family name is Blair, Obama or Clinton. Let’s say that you are to be rewarded for your efforts and that this money has to come from somewhere – but from where? Well, this is the process. An account is opened for you in a trusted Illuminati Bank. This could be Coutts in London or a private bank in Switzerland – it matters not. Next an amount of money is authorised to be deposited in the account in the billions for a 30 to 60 day period. This money on deposit is untraceable as it has NOT come into the system from within the system but via the BACK-DOOR (see PROMIS SOFTWARE and BUSH-MILLMAN banking family). In some instances for a faster delivery they (Illuminati) will “allow” the puppet-politico to have JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and other criminal market makers trade the “funds” for a month and facilitate the nest egg that way. These billions then produce, at normal levels of interest vast amounts which add to the capital value of the money on account. After the passing of the 30 day or 60 day period the initial DEPOSIT is withdrawn and goes back to the ESF or BIS secret accounts bureau. What is left behind is the interest which will usually amount to millions. This is then the PAYOFF money which the Illuminati Bag Man is allowed to keep. As it has no source it is untraceable and it cannot be therefore be electronically traced except by organisation (perhaps) such as Snowden when at the NSA or JA and his WIKILEAKS team. Unfortunately, JA came a little unstuck when he tried to play his “secret files” card on the Illuminati. It is my information that in a closed door meeting he was SHOWN the capabilities of the future software which has been IN THE SYSTEM since WWW inception and he saw that they had EVERYTHING HE HAD AND MORE. What was that more? Well the MORE was the access codes to EVERY SERVER AND MACHINE EVER BUILT ON THE PLANET and so had access to altering, changing and editing to their TASTE every piece of data available. It is this quantum leap which I believe un-nerved JA and ended his dream that he and the WIKILEAKS TEAM< could challenge the Covert Govt. And another method here: TIME TO TELL THE TRUTH SLEEP NO MORE The Illuminati “smoke on the bees” tactic is very much still effective for global populations as of 20th July 2013. The public water supply carries various inhibitors which are un-detectable to human earth scientists. The air is laced with surfactants to help keep you drowsy, the power grid is pulsed with ULF frequencies to dumb you down and prevent you seeing over the Frequency Fence made to eventually completely over-ride your reality picture and change channels on you. The NEW channel will broadcast Holographic Insert Technology (HIT) into your ReAlity field (so called) and as in The Matrix, “If you die in The Matrix Neo, the mind makes it real!” This news is NOT meant to frighten you – you are so asleep that you are beyond that now. This message is to ensure that THOSE OF YOU WHO MAY BE READING THIS and UNDERSTAND BEGIN TO PREPARE FOR THE NEXT STAGE – and it’s coming very soon! Snowden and Assange – Why do those who tell the truth incur such persecution? Good news for you. If you had doubts or uncertainty as to whether you should JOIN our Re Movement team then doubt no more. As you can see there are “others” in the back-ground who come forward from time to time to expose the treachery in which you have been wrapped by your so called Guardians – the elected officials – many of whom are NOT human. The distraction process and propaganda machine of Big Brother is as effective as ever it was. Instead of the people and the world being “Mad as hell!” and full with rage and accusatorial in seeking redress for the crimes committed by the elected officials of all these countries and agencies involved against them, they (TPTB) have got you all questioning the Whistle Blowers’ integrity, right to freedom and right to speak out. The criminals are calling the innocent the criminals. What are these SECRETS and why do we have them? Who after all is the government or state? When you Re-Member it is YOU and your neighbour who constitute the state, then you better next realize that the thing you are sitting on is RUN-AWAY TRAIN and it is very much out of control. The JOKER is at the engine and the Keystone Cops are in pursuit. You are living in a lunatic asylum and are being drugged daily with toxic vibrational frequencies being transmitted via pulsed ULF frequencies generators plugged into your power station networks. This pulsed energy is then fed down the power networks and emanates from EVERY SINGLE DEVICE CONNECTED TO A BATTERY OR MAINS DEVICE. The additional re-enforcement is broadcast to you via the photo-electric DNA over-ride patterns from your digital 52” plasma screen TV’s kindly delivered to you by SONY (Standard Oil New York) corporation and then enhanced by the personal plug-ins made for you by NOKIA, SAMSUNG and BLACKBERRY. The vaccines they pump into your children contain nano-particle transmitter technology which turns the human body into an antenna–receiver. If you could see yourself psychically then you would see a glowing rod/ antenna receiving every bit of rubbish that was broadcast at you. The boxes in which they place you to live and breed are incubating machines for embryos in 50/60Hertz magnetic fields. Believe me THEY have NOT missed a trick in the subjugation of your mind body and spirit. THIS IS A VERY, VERY BIG UNIVERSAL GAME AND YOU ARE LOOKED AT AS A PAWN ON THEIR TABLE. Why? Because you are totally unaware, unconscious and have no guidance, leadership and your FREQUENCIES ARE TOTALLY UNPROTECTED! SNOWDEN /ASSANGE et al What are these brave souls doing? The question cannot and should NOT be are they right or wrong in what they are doing, have done and will do but “Why should they have to do it in the first place?” Why are there these secrets? Who has decided that WE, the people who produce the goods and services, the food and the life breath for these state sponsored criminals, should NOT have total transparency and total access to the TRUTH TIME TO TELL THE TRUTH They are exposing lies and treachery of a magnitude not seen since the fall of Atlantis circ. 9580BC. Many of the same players which were instrumental in bringing this great civilisation to its knees are here, re-incarnated again and doing the same old same old. It’s sickening, it’s pathetic and amateurish and is going to STOP that’s for sure. How long it takes to stop it though depends on you and your influence This covert government is comprised of human DNA earth born soldiers who are pledged to carrying on the party line for global, secretive, un-noticed total domination of the planet with a view to the following: • Re-asserting previous territorial claims of “right to exist and dwell here” • To enslave the humanoid primitive life forms and use them as slave labour, breeding units, soldier/warrior units to fight personal agendas, much as a retarded child may use tin-soldiers on the carpet to fight his imaginary wars. • To provide “lebensraum” for their own kind who have various problems in their own planetary system(s) due to spiritual abuse of their own eco and bio systems and • To utilize the human DNA to breed clones in order to create a hybridisation program in order to help them survive on a planet whose oxygen levels are uncomfortably high for their liking and whose eco systems therefore must be trashed and destroyed. This may go some way in answering the question of “Why don’t “THEY” do something about it?” (pollution, fossil fuel energy, global warming, co2 emissions, crime noise pollution etc • The currency of the Universe is not the US dollar, gold, diamonds or fine wine but DNA. DNA gives the ability to think, imagine, create, navigate time corridors and fractally evolve via phi ratio encoding of said DNA. Why do you imagine that the Human Genome Project was set up? What is your government searching for in COMPULSORY DNA extraction when you are arrested or stopped at the side of the road on routine questioning etc. Why are children, AT BIRTH, made to give a blood sample and what information is taken and what is it used for? Why have you not already asked these questions? • Why are NONE of you asking the right questions? What do you think it means to be brought up in a surveillance society? Every quantum physics experiment conducted in the past 100 years (Bill Bell, Alain Aspect, Schrodinger etc) shows clearly that the MIND OF THE EXPERIMENTER AFFECTS THE EXPERIMENT. If you are being observed then YOU ARE being altered! There IS TOTALLY NO EXCUSE ON ANY LEVEL WHATSOEVER OTHER THAN ON A PRISON PLANET FOR THE ARGUMENT THAT SURVEILLANCE “IT’S FOR YOUR SAFETY AND SECURITY!!” Think about it? • Why does the media NEVER touch on the salient moral and philosophical questions of WHY? Why are people starving, why is there no money, why are the rivers polluted, why do we go over THERE to kill people we have NEVER met and have done us no harm, why is nuclear energy pushed ahead with such fervour, why is the ET UFO phenomenon never talked about, why am I never consulted as to what I really want, why can we never do things different, why is there a Walmart in every town, why can we never design a town or village as we want it, why is everything centrally planned like in a Communist state, why does the government reward the Local Councils with £1 of funding for every £1 it raises via parking ticket revenues, indirect taxation, licenses (Rate Capping), etc, why is the financial model rigorously forced down our throats? Why does the government pay a private bank to print the money which it could and should issue itself and for less, Why is the god of the Illuminati NOT the same GOD that JESUS admonished us to follow? Who gains from this? Who loses? Qui bono? TIME TO TELL THE TRUTH Re Movement grows stronger!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 20:58:38 +0000

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