This is the one year anniversary of the most tramatic event in my - TopicsExpress


This is the one year anniversary of the most tramatic event in my life. I was brutally assaulted by someone I had only met one day prior. I sustained several blows to the head, broken ribs, elbows split open, he bit off a very small chunk of my left ear, and was choked until I quit moving. He threatened my life the entire time and said if he went back to prison, he knew people who would track me down and kill me. I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror saw how bad it was-giant bump on my head, black eyes,multiple lacerations, and my ear was bleeding profusely. I said, Look at me! How are you not going to be going to prison. He went to wet a washcloth. I took off covered in blood, running down the street without shoes, yelling for help, asking someone to call 911, but the neighbors didnt know English, tried to hand me their phone but I wasnt far enough way to be safe, even in a populated area in broad daylight. A couple blocks later, I spot a maintenance man in a pick up. I get directly in front of it, to make sure he stopped. He called 911. My attacker was arrested, he was on parole, had been in prison the last 10 years. I was taken to the hospital, had a concussion, needed 20 stitches. Sometime that day, a friend of the guy who almost killed me, ransacked the place, took my Drivers license specifically out of my wallet, stole all my medication, and some small electronics. That was the beginning of the worst year of my life. I didnt remember giant parts of it until a couple mths ago, when random bits of it came back in flashes. Now 1 year later, I cant leave the house, am paranoid even when in a car with someone else, that someone will recognize me, even though I now have an inconspicuous car, and cut off most of my hair and bleached it light blonde. I dont feel safe anywhere. I wore my blood drenched shirt and hospital bracelet for an entire week, just because it was so insane even I had troubles believing it- so having the proof was somehow reassuring. I told myself I was going to go to court to testify against him, but I didnt make it. I kept changing my number, as I still do, I have another one as of yesterday. I had heard at one point, a few weeks before the trial was scheduled, that the prosecutor had called my sister to get ahold of me to discuss a plea bargain deal. Even tho, at that time, we lived in the same house-she didnt tell me about the call or voicemail til 10 days after it came. I am sure hes probably out again, have thought about seeing if hes on facebook with his location services turned on, but I dont know how I would handle the answer.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:12:32 +0000

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