This is the page where you can make a donation, if you are - TopicsExpress


This is the page where you can make a donation, if you are interested. Unfortunately it is in Polish, but I will translate: 1. Click on the link below. 2. Click on "Wesprzyj" (Support) 3. Click on the red box saying "Chce przekazac darowizne bez rejestracji" (I want to make a donation without registering) 4. Click on "Kwota wsparcia" (donation amount in zlotys): 5. Click on "Slowa wsparcia" (words of support - optional) 6. Click on "Podpis" (signature) - it can also be anonymous, if you prefer. 7. Final step, click on: "Oplac teraz" (Pay now). Thank you very much!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 06:03:46 +0000

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