This is to all of those who are going through a difficult - TopicsExpress


This is to all of those who are going through a difficult relationship, a bad relationship, an abusive relationship, or even a breakup. Youre upset, youre frustrated, you feel like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Youre unhappy and feel like the only person who can make you happy is the one that you are or were with. Heres a friendly word of advice, that person isnt. If theres anything that life has taught me, its that if somebody didnt work out, theres a reason behind that and there will always be somebody who will come along who will, and maybe, just maybe, stick around for the long run. We cant tell what the future holds, but what we can do is make the best of what we have in the present. I have went through my personal hells with a few relationships, lasting years, and winding up getting walked out on. I sank into depression, but, looking back, things did get better. Even though for me its only been 4 1/2 months with my boyfriend, I havent ever been happier. Were silly and stupid. Were serious and there for each other. Were cuddlers and adventurers. Were moody and were loving. We work as a couple more than anybody else Ive ever been with. This means that there is hope for every single one of you out there. Dont rush things. Always follow your gut, its never wrong, even if your brain tells you its wrong. Love every single day; do not hate anything. Even if you are in the depth of hell and you see no way out, smile, itll make you feel a tremendous amount better. Love will find its way, so just hang in there and be patient. Im going to miss my boyfriend in the two weeks that Im going away on business, but I know when I come back, its going to be all the worth it.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 15:03:54 +0000

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