This is what I wrote them. Dear #Toyota I am writing you today - TopicsExpress


This is what I wrote them. Dear #Toyota I am writing you today to first apologize and ask for your assistance. My name is Gilbert A. Bernal Jr. and I am a fellow auto industry worker. I was in the United States Military for 4 years as a mechanic then I worked for BMW at Bob Smith BMW for 10 years. I am currently leasing my third Toyota in a row. Last November I traded my 2005 Prius for a 2011 Camry. My children and I could not be more pleased with the vehicle we love it. Before this car we had a 2005 Prius and a 2007 Tacoma pick up. Both great vehicles that made me a loyal return customers. My children were a little bummed out that I traded the Prius only because it was the first vehicle they rode in from the hospital after they were born and just became a big part of the family. Now my children love our Camry and call it there “race car”. We depend on it and consider it a big part of our family now and remember the Prius fondly. In 2013 my ex-wife and I separated after 4 years of marriage and having two children. My kids live with me and are now 4 & 6 years of age. My daughter Aiyana is the oldest & loves to sing usually in the back of the Camry. My son Noah is the comedian and always acting silly or playing video games. I consider myself lucky to have them live with me to spend quality time with. I am tasked with the duties of getting them to and from school and the regular day to day duties. My daughter just completed her first year at public school with great performance. She took part in the student talent show with 4 other girls from her class, they sang “Let it go” from Disney’s Frozen. My son is going to attend his first year at public school in this fall. My family and I also enjoy martial art classes, art shows, camping, going to local parks, hiking & other activities. I am currently enrolled at College of the Canyons completing an associate’s degree in graphic design. All activities could not have been possible without our Family car the Toyota Camry. Although my family is happy and positive we are currently facing a crisis and just last year got past a devastating divorce. Shortly after we split I lost my job after 10 years of service at BMW. Since the loss of my job I have been struggling with my finances and keeping up with the bills left from the divorce. I have not been able to afford the payments set up in the contract and will lose the car soon. I am in dire need of Toyota’s help. I was hoping to reach an agreement which would allow me to keep my vehicle. I know this is unorthodox and defeats your purpose as a company in search of revenue but I haven’t anywhere to turn and nothing to lose. I am not asking for a freebie I would like to offer my services to you in any way you might see fit. What can I do you ask? I was thinking I could be a help to your advertisement department in many ways. If you were to help me keep my vehicle I think the gesture will surpass the Honda helpful campaign. I was also thinking since I am a student and so are my children this could be a great opportunity for Toyota to sponsor American education by providing a vehicle to students. I could also be a brand ambassador for Toyota by wrapping the Camry with the Toyota logo and taglines and provide videos of family experiences in the family vehicle to post on social media networks to promote the company’s compassion. Although I am a student I have great skill as an artist and video producer and could provide anything in these fields for Toyota at no cost. I illustrate portraits of celebrities on cigar boxes as my own form of niche art. Currently I am in enrolled in the Cal Works program that provides assistance for people in situations like mine. I am unemployed but I am a freelance artist and am studying to attain a degree in hopes of a better life for my family. I plan to get a job in the meantime or participate in an internship in the fall and will need our vehicle. Had I foreseen the loss of my job I would not have entered a new lease agreement. However here I am 3 payments behind and will lose the family car soon. I do realize everyone else has problems that we must face and overcome but there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. I understand I am not different from the next person’s story and there are people facing perils more severe than mine. I consider myself fortunate to be where I’m at even in the face of current obstacles. Please consider this request for your investment in my family and my services. I think if we think outside the box together we could reach a solution that will benefit both parties. I will follow up in a few days to confirm the letters delivery. I want to thank you for your time and patients during this difficult time. Sincerely The Bernal Family Gilbert A. Bernal Jr.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:01:54 +0000

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