This is what happened to me tonight. I went into my bedroom and - TopicsExpress


This is what happened to me tonight. I went into my bedroom and prayed. When I finished, I sat on my bed, and the Lord immediately led me to pray again. To some people, this may seem a bit strange, but I understand the importance of following God’s instructions. (You see, when we follow our own routines, then we can place ourselves at risk of missing something.) As I prayed the second time (with a cleared mind, giving the Lord my undivided attention), there was a vital piece of information that God placed in my spirit – something I would have overlooked with my natural eyes. As you become closer to Jesus and grow spiritually, you will begin to experience moments such as what I just mentioned. He will speak to you. He will inform you of things and will often times confirm it. Just listen to Him, and as I wrote in a previous post, don’t ignore what He shows you. Dont second guess it. Your willingness to listen and take heed to what He says will benefit you in the end. If you feel you have difficulty hearing from the Lord, then when you pray tonight, ask the Lord to help you recognize His voice and the signs He gives. He will be more than willing to help you, but be sure you are also willing to help yourself by removing any distractions that could prevent you from hearing the Lord clearly. May you have a blessed remainder of the night, and may the Lord watch over you and your family when you sleep. I’m praying all of you will have beautiful dreams and will awaken tomorrow refreshed and rejuvenated, in Jesus’ name. - Positivity Inspires, Copyright 2014. (All rights reserved.)
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 08:15:20 +0000

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