This is yet another reason why this country is going STRAIGHT to - TopicsExpress


This is yet another reason why this country is going STRAIGHT to hell, and doing so a breakneck pace! We have ELECTED leaders who literally are choosing to IGNORE law. If you come here undocumented it means you legally came here, you just dont have the documentation with you. If you come here ILLEGALLY, YOU ARE BREAKING US LAW, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF US LAW! The Governor of California believes you should be REWARDED for doing this! Instead of simply saying WE WILL ENFORCE THE LAWS PASSED BY CONGRESS AND THE SENATE what you just witnessed in the video is the Governor of a US State, actually the WORST US state, in terms of DEBT, say publicly WE HAVE PASSED LAWS THAT IGNORE FEDERAL LAW In order to ALLOW illegal immigrants to get a drivers license, you have to admit that youre letting them stay here IN ORDER TO DRIVE IN THE FIRST PLACE..... So let me get this straight... I HAVE to obey the law, The Governor of California knows that people are BREAKING the law by coming here illegally, THEN they are breaking the law again by driving without a license, the solution? IGNORE the first crime, and eliminate the second one. WTF IS WRONG HERE! Seriously.... If you are a US Citizen, you MUST obey the laws of this country.... If youre an Illegal Immigrant, you dont. DEMOCRATS ARE TREATING YOU LIKE SECOND CLASS CITIZENS! Think about that.. because repiblicans ARE NOT the ones passing insane, and ridiculous laws like this!!! eaglerising/8250/california-governor-jerry-brown-welcomes-illegal-immigrants-california/
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:37:21 +0000

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