This makes everything happen By eliminating the corrupt banking - TopicsExpress


This makes everything happen By eliminating the corrupt banking system created by politicians and banks Canadians will become the richest, healthiest and wisest people on the planet. Canada will very quickly surpass all nations in quality of life, job creation, zero unemployment health care, education, research and technology. Remember the Bank of Canada is owned by the people not the Government. It belongs to you. The greatest fraud committed upon the people of this Nation the corrupt government banking & tax system. Currently the Bank of Canada lends money to banks. Then the federal government borrows the same money back from the banks at a higher interest-rate. Then the government taxes you and takes your tax money to pay the banks. The system is designed, to keep the banks and corrupt political parties & politician’s rich, with your money. The Bank of Canada creates the money and has the power to set the value of the currency. This system gives the government unlimited spending within the Nation. Providing all goods and services purchased with Bank of Canada funds are produced solely in Canada This system does NOT cost tax payers anything. Page A Do you want to know more? Go to - For The People Campaign and tell your friends. Web address https://facebook/ForThePeopleCampaign https://facebook/groups/ForThePeopleCampaign/ You must do your part. I can not implement the quality of life system without you. When there are no cats the rats become kings. Become the cat.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:16:18 +0000

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