This month is intense and many may encounter moments of challenge - TopicsExpress


This month is intense and many may encounter moments of challenge and even crisis within it. But this Moon comes as a balm to soothe heavy hearts or weary souls. It reminds us that we are not alone, no matter how isolated we may feel. That life itself courses through us, connecting us with everything throughout the cosmos and beyond. This New Moon invites us to experience this fact, no matter how successfully our minds may be telling us all is lost and we are forever forsaken. Coinciding with a conjunction between Mars and Saturn in Scorpio it may well be a time of pressure, power games and what may feel like defeat and hopelessness, but in fact it is a time in which we can choose to gather up our courage and do things in a different way. Neither give in to the negativity nor turn from and deny it. But instead look it in the eye, whatever it is, and know that if we exist in the same world as this, we have a responsibility for it and are called upon by the cosmos to carry that responsibility with integrity and honour. We cannot separate ourselves from the pain of this world and nor should we. We are moving into the Aquarian Age of community and sister/brotherhood, in which injustice for one is injustice for all. This is a very different discourse to that of the Piscean Age in which saviours and victims need to find each other to live out their roles. By the end of this month we can come to the recognition we can all be saviours and victims, to ourselves and each other. Or we can choose to be neither and create a whole new way of living. The playing field is levelling and we can choose our part to play. But we must choose well and with deep consideration of the global consciousness from which we draw and to which we contribute every day. We must come to recognise that if we consider ourselves special we render others less so. If we see ourselves as powerless we give power over to others. If we believe only the positive deserves our attention we are denying the experience of all those who suffer day in day out. And if we call only on others to do their bit and own up, we are denying or own part in both the potential for positive change and the maintenance of a dysfunctional and destructive status quo. August 2014 is an intense month for sure. Many will need support, compassion and understanding to come through it facing the right direction. But we can do it, all of us, if we set the commitment at the start of the month to do so. A commitment to truth without dogma, compassion without pity, and eyes so wide open we can no longer entertain anything but the deepest truth which will reveal itself on a moment by moment basis if we prepare ourselves to receive. If we do all that, we can get through and come out the other end thriving, not just surviving, and more awake than ever before. *For more information about these and other astrological events as they happen throughout the month, become an Awakenings Subscriber at to receive regular astrology updates.* Love to everyone. Sarah Varcas
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 17:34:31 +0000

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