This newscast documents how the humanitarian crisis on our - TopicsExpress


This newscast documents how the humanitarian crisis on our southern border is far from spontaneous, but was geo-politically engineered by free trade agreements. Video highlights: 1) Authority over our border has been handed over by the White House to the UN Refugee Commission. 2) NAFTA and CAFTA trade agreements promised to reduce migration from Mexico and Central America and raise standards of living to the poor. Instead, rising unemployment caused by NAFTAs corporatized economy has caused workers to migrate north. 3) Since NAFTA was passed in 1994, Walmart has become the largest retailer in Mexico while destroying local businesses -- an example of the new globalized economy as envisioned by the World Trade Organization. 4) The flood of migrating children into the US is being managed under authority of the UN Migrant Council, not the US Border Patrol. 5) The UN and other (unelected) international bodies have established global governance of migration with the expressed aim of leveraging human capital (displaced migrants) that favors international trade policies. 6) Pro-treaty proponents justify illegal immigration by pointing to dropping native birth rates in the US and Europe. 7) Unelected and unaccountable corporate governing bodies (the Council on Foreign Relations and Fortune 500 companies) have orchestrated a Free Trade Agreement of the Americas, from Canada to Central America, that supersedes national sovereignty. 8) Mainstream media shuts down constructive debate about immigration policy by reframing illegal aliens as irregular migrants, and castigate critics of illegal immigration as racists. 9) The Dept. of Homeland Security, the US Border Patrol, the White House and Congress deliberately ignore US immigration laws while taking their marching orders from the UN Global Forum on Migration and Development, NAFTA, CAFTA, and FTAA. 10) Immigration policy is being decided by international governing bodies (corporations) behind closed doors, with the consent of your elected officials, and is being enforced militarily without your consent.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:48:53 +0000

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