This occurred right here by home – in Pelham, AL….. Can you - TopicsExpress


This occurred right here by home – in Pelham, AL….. Can you look at your children and imagine your life without them? What if their other parent decided they didn’t want you in their life – could you just let them go? Of course you are a good parent and have done nothing wrong so there would be no way they could just take them from you, right? Wrong. Although many may think this doesn’t affect them, they are wrong. While they may not currently be dealing with such issues, allowing this corruption and abuse to continue in our society means it has the potential to affect your or someone you love in the future. Two years ago I would have doubted this guy’s story because I am so naïve and tend to believe our legal system works to protect the innocent. However, over the past two years I have watched my sister and her husband struggle over the custody of his daughter, whom he raised and loves dearly. I won’t say much about their case as they are still fighting and I do not want to do anything that could jeopardize their case but I will say that there have been so many wrongs done to them. From a corrupt judge who is friends with the birth mother’s attorney to a GAL who hasn’t even spoken with the other girls living in their home, yet charges $250 an hour in fees. That doesn’t mention all the court dates that have been cancelled or rescheduled after they arrive, thus causing attorney fees and such. The costs so far have totaled more than $45,000 in less than two years! For my sister and her husband, who are middle class and raising three other daughters, this is an insane amount. For the birth mother, whose girlfriend is wealthier, this isn’t such a big deal. In the end it seems corruption will allow the mother to win, not because she is more deserving or loving (after all, she CHOSE not to be a mother when the daughter was younger but wants to have custody now that she has a girlfriend who is interested in the daughter being around) but because she has connections and access to money to win over the custody of her daughter. The father has been put through hell with this court system which started after an allegation was made by the mother following a weekend in which she kept her daughter instead of returning her to the father. The allegation was determined to be false after full investigation yet the daughter was not given back to the father and his parental rights were not restored. He went from having full custody to two six-hour supervised visitations per month. These visitations are supervised by the girlfriend’s daughter, who acts as an extension of the birth mother controlling the child’s every move at the visits, correcting the child when she tries to relax and play with her father. She has even followed the daughter into the restroom (a private bathroom) during these visits. In February, his phone calls were discontinued by the judge without just cause. The stories of Kenneth Paschal and of my sister’s family are not unusual – it is happening daily in our society and needs to be stopped. Parental alienation not only hurts the parent but also hurts the child. In most cases these parents are not doing it because of love for their children – they are doing it out of hatred or a need for power. Something needs to change to prevent this from occurring. However, to bring change help is needed – not just from those currently impacted but also from those who see themselves as not impacted. Here are a few stories of fathers who were unable to win this battle and were overcome with the distress this caused, resulting in their death: boston/news/local/new_hampshire/articles/2011/07/10/divorced_dad_leaves_clues_to_his_desperation/ Search Chris Mackney on Facebook to see his tragic story that ended in his death: washingtonpost/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/05/15/man-commits-suicide-blames-ex-wife-in-suicide-note-ex-wife-takes-control-of-copyright-tries-to-get-note-and-mans-other-writings-removed-from-internet/ His suicide note can be found here: reddit/r/MensRights/comments/24pou5/mens_rights_activists_dispute_womans_copyright/
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:07:34 +0000

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