This one may really shock you, but let’s get one thing out of - TopicsExpress


This one may really shock you, but let’s get one thing out of the way: “Whole grains” ARE definitely better than processed grains. The question is “how much better?” And the answer is… not much. What’s more, they also cause you to pack on the pounds. See, grains – unlike fruits and vegetables and most nuts – can NEVER be eaten without some kind of processing. You can’t pluck a stalk of wheat and start chowing down. It doesn’t work that way. Instead, grains must be ground into flour. And therein lies the metabolic devil that causes whole grains to make you fat. Once whole grains have been processed down into flour, your digestive enzymes go to town. They convert that starch directly into pure sugar. This spikes your insulin and tells your body to start packing on the fat. (You can find out how to reverse that effect here.) Some people argue that “whole grains” have more nutrients than “refined grains” and that’s true. But ONLY when those “whole grains” remain “whole” and aren’t refined down into flour. So don’t fall for the “whole grains” are good for you trap. Because they simply just aren’t. By the time you eat them in that bran muffin, whole wheat toast or whole wheat pasta, they’ve been processed into metabolism-killing oblivion – you might as well just gulp down a tablespoon full of pure sugar!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:22:06 +0000

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