This one time I was at wild oats (now whole foods) with my mom, it - TopicsExpress


This one time I was at wild oats (now whole foods) with my mom, it was around this time of the year and we were in line to check out. There was a bit of a hold up because the cashier didnt know any of the produce that the woman in front of us was getting. The cashier picked up what they thought to be kale, and this woman, who was wearing a full length fur coat grocery shopping, stopped the cashier and proclaimed, No no no! Thats Aaahh-RRRUGULA dahling! Rolling the R in arugula with one hand up in the air like she was reaching for the stars. The cashier corrected it, finished bagging the rest of her groceries and the woman went on her way. When the cashier started scanning our food my mom turned to me and said, Do you know who that was!? That was Eartha Kitt! I always think about that moment every time I hear this song.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:00:59 +0000

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