This page is for those of us who believe that people should have - TopicsExpress


This page is for those of us who believe that people should have the right to choose whether they vaccinate their horse against Hendra. It is not anti-vax or pro-vax. We encourage people to vaccinate if they believe it is right for their horse, or not to vaccinate if they so choose. What we are against is the strongarm tactics from Equestrian Australia, and many branches of Pony Club, in trying to force people to vaccinate their horses, with an as-yet unregistered product, thus illegal to mandate in this fashion. We object to the vets who hold owners to ransom, by refusing to see unvaccinated horses, leaving some of them to die agonising deaths, or charging exorbitant upfront fees before even seeing the horse. It is contraindicated to give a vaccine to an already compromised horse, and any vet who demands they vaccinate your horse prior to treatment leaves themselves wide open to be sued if anything should befall that horse. It does not give instant immunity. The permit for use of this vaccine is VERY specific about which horses should or should not receive it. Anything else is an off label use and contraindicated. Until such time that it IS fully registered for use in ALL horses, its use cannot be legally enforced. We will not be intimidated or coerced.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:01:51 +0000

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