This past Saturday, my dear friend, Alice Henson passed away. It - TopicsExpress


This past Saturday, my dear friend, Alice Henson passed away. It was most unexpected and not how I thought the week would end. Just last Monday, I sat with Alice, and her daughter Beth Castellanos, at the hospital just two days after surgery, and although Alice was in pain, she was cheerful and optimistic. That was her only really good day and things began to change rather quickly. I was at the hospital with Beth on Friday, and again on Saturday morning. The day was beautiful on Friday - a perfect day - and even though Alice was already beginning to slip away, my sense is that she stayed just to enjoy this beautiful, crisp and sunny winters day. Alice was my spiritual rock - shes why I have been able to stay in Chicago these past 10+ years. She always knew exactly what to say to me when I was down or feeling confused and frustrated. She helped me in countless moments and ways, offering me her wisdom and her strength throughout. Stories about Alice are too numerous to tell here and those who knew her understand how much she is already missed. As last week progressed, Alice was the one I wanted to talk to about how I was feeling, because whenever I was feeling scared or blue, it was Alice I wanted to talk to - and yet, how could I talk to her about her? I called her a few weeks ago and we had only a brief conversation because she had a visitor at home who was just about to leave and she said Ill call you back. She wasnt able to and we never finished that conversation ... Alice had an unmistakeable voice - her Rhode Island/Boston/New England accent never left her and it was always a delight to get messages from her on my iPhone. Hi, its Alice ... - they all start like that and am happy to report that Ive been able to save the few that remained on my phone and I can hear her say Hi, its Alice ... whenever I need a kick in the butt! Alice, wherever you are in the Universe - thank you - you were such a gift to me and to all those whose lives you touched along the way - love you a lot.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:52:42 +0000

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