This past year taught me a lot. I learned how important it was to - TopicsExpress


This past year taught me a lot. I learned how important it was to dig down deep and find the courage and determination to get through each day of my recovery and I also found out how critical it is to have a strong support system there encouraging and pushing. There were days when the pain was so bad the last thing I wanted to do was exercise, but if I didn’t it would mean there was a huge possibility of not healing correctly or walking properly. What continued to resonant through my mind later was that recovery is no different then the process it take to loss weight or become fitter. It take one day at a time and you must get up and do it even when you dont want to. I have been doing the 21-Day Fix for approximately two months. I have fallen so in love with my support through my coach’s Challenge Groups that I hate myself when I miss a workout. I REALLY DO! She and the group hold me accountable and I have fun doing it. So much that I decided to become a coach myself and want to give the same support to other women. I will never lie to you and say it is easy. IT IS HARD WORK! However, Beachbody did their half of the equation. Your only requirement is to push play and DO THE WORK! It is that simple. How about not approaching this New Year’s Eve mad at yourself as you try and zip that dress up and vowing next year will be different. Go ahead, push play and see why this year could be different, starting now!! Message me and I will help you find a program and get you hooked up with our Challenge Group.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:33:15 +0000

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