This post has got to be the most difficult 1 I have written by far - TopicsExpress


This post has got to be the most difficult 1 I have written by far & i have been trying to write it for the last 11 hours!! @12:04am 16 years ago I went into labour with my beautiful prince charming. Finally (after Kyle waited for his uncle Neil to finish work,) Kyle was born @7:34pm weighing in at 6.13. From the moment I knew I was pregnant I fell in love with him! Many people tried to tell me not to have him as I was only 16 myself but I ignored all the people that said I couldnt do it. Kyle gave me the inspiration to better myself! I worked to raise the money to buy all that he needed, I also went back to college & when he was born I provided for him! As Kyle grew he became a cheeky wotsit but he was always a joker & loved to make people laugh. When he turned 10 I had an accident & was unable to walk or move, Kyle then became a man! He became so responsible I was so proud of him @ only 10 years old he did the shopping, cooking, helping to look after his little sister & would have to go to & from school himself, he became a man at such an early age I didnt like the fact he had to do this but he made me soo so proud. Slowly I begun to walk again & we moved house, but as I become more independent Kyle would still want to protect me & his little sister, he loved Angel so much that if he could take her with him he would take her anywhere. His life was his family I tried so many times to tell him to go & spend time with his friends but he just wanted to be there for us.. He then found rugby, rugby was the best thing to happen to Kyle & he started to become the kyle I knew before my accident. He was focused, determined, he had goals & ambitions. It was a joy to watch him get excited about his plans for his future. Finally he started to spend time with his friends & going out & exploring life, going to car shows, London, doing things kids his age should be doing & just as he started to com out of his shell he was ripped away from us... At just 15 years old his short life was over & Kyle has left so many broken hearts cos Kyle was so loveable so full of character & cheeky. Kyle you will never be forgotten I love you soo so much Happy 16th birthday big man, have fun with grandad & I will see you soon my sweet prince xxxxxx
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:18:29 +0000

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