This series was originally posted by Angie back in September 2006. - TopicsExpress


This series was originally posted by Angie back in September 2006. It appeared originally on another, now defunct dreambook. Angie left after having some issues with the kids on that board as did I, Big Boner, Leah, Debby, Beverly and a few others. This series was very popular. Enjoy. Angie F Name of Story: Going Back to my Bondage Roots First of all, thank you for your nice comments about my posts. I am so glad you all enjoy them and I enjoy writing thema s well. Several of you have asked me how or when this all started. So lets go back in time shall we? My two brothers got me into this. They were always finding ways to tie me up and then found ways to include my girlfriends and tie all of us up. Got to be a game, almost like hide and seek. We had to hide from my brothers les we end up tied up, gagged and tickled. These events happened when I was 14-ish and my brothers were 20. Now I am 24 and they are in the their 30s. We still reminsce about these events and we all laugh, although it wasnt too funny to us (my girlfriends and me) back then. Growing up with two older brothers was a trying experience for me. With the usual love & protection also comes being picked on, being called names and also getting kidnapped and tied up a lot. When I was 14, I had a love for the Nancy Drew books. I always wondered what it would be like to be her. In most of the books, Nancy was always getting caught by the bad guys and getting bound & gagged, only to find an escape. Well, one day my two brothers John and Jeff who were both just out of high school, decided to make that a reality. Our parents were out one day, & that meant the boys h ad to watch me, which usually meant trouble. I was upstairs watching television when suddenly I heard a large Bang downstairs. John!! I yelled. What was th at noise? But there was no answer. I hopped down the steps where I saw Jeff only holding a sweat sock. Jeffrey, what was that noise? And where is John? Here I am Angie. John said from behind me. I turned to face him. He was carrying rope. My first reaction was to run, but Jeff caught me & held me tight. Let me go! I yelled as Jeff forced me to the floor & pulled my hands behind my back & crossed by wrists. Gag her John ordered. We have to shut her up. as he started to tie my wrists behind me. You two wont ge..ggmmpphh! I tried to say bfore the sweat sock was tied in my mouth & knotted tight. (At least it was a clean sock!) As John was finished my wrists, Jeff was tying my ankles together. Now Angela, since you like Nanncy Drew so much, lets see you get loose. John said as he carried me up to my room & plopped me on the bed. The boys left saying nothing else. I twisted and squirmed for about ten minutes, but John had me tied tight. Boy of them had been Boy Scouts, so they knew something about knots, especially the ones they tied on their little sister! I frequently heard them brag to each other the knots they put on their girlfriends too! I wasnt even prepared for this, since I was barefoot, so the ropes cut a little into my ankles too. I thought of Nancy Drew in her struggles to get loose after the crooks had tied her up. But that was fictional, this was real. I was laying on my own bed, tightly tied up, cleave-gagged by my own loving brothers. About forty-five minutes later, the door opened. John and Jeff soon freed me from the ropes & gag. I fussed them out and threatened to tell our parents, but deep down, I didnt want to. Little did I know that round number two would be sooner than I thought & also involving my friend Nicole. Angie F
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:33:21 +0000

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