This sparks a fire in my soul its an outrage that a few years ago - TopicsExpress


This sparks a fire in my soul its an outrage that a few years ago when we realised we were becoming the minority it was too late and now being a racist means being a black person oppressing white people I know for a fact a black male or female could walk around a mainly white area( if they could find one) and be unharmed and without trouble even if there are white racists revealing it means being hated and bullied by both white an blacks however a black man can preach of black power and death to the White Man and its perfectly normal. This video is a great example of how things have turned around just try and switch to there shoes do you think you could do this in there hometown just because you occupied some of its land? Theres a simple answer you can argue with me but the fact is you couldnt not only that but now a days you cant even walk down the wrong street because you will be hassled or assaulted there are areas now void of policing because they dont have the power to enforce the law in these areas anymore so how long until the scale tips and we find ourselves being taken prisoner or worse simply wiped out when you hear of black power they often talk of oppression well travel to the wrong area and you a so called white devil will experience for yourself who is being oppressed. Ill be clear Im not racist infact I believe in equality simple as that no one human is worth more than the other even if you aggree its too late to stop it all now anarchy is coming and I dont have confidence we as the great British will be standing tall when the dust settles anymore
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 22:07:09 +0000

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