This story brings to mind the awesomeness of God – Here is the - TopicsExpress


This story brings to mind the awesomeness of God – Here is the story of a 13-year-old JSS two student of Government Secondary School Gboko, Dooyum Moar, who narrowly escapes from the den of ritual killers in Gboko, Benue State. According to Vanguard, the young boy and a female student of Ggoko High School, narrowly escaped being beheaded by a ritualist after being kidnapped by a commercial vehicle operator. According to the victim; ”I actually wept when I discovered that the driver of the vehicle masterminded our kidnap shortly after he pretended that he cared for my safety and that of the girl who was also returning back to school.” ”God saved me and the girl. When they tied us up and took us to a forest to kill us, we started crying and calling on to God to come and save us. ”Miraculously, when they took us to where they would behead us, the person they took us to refused to kill us but asked our captors to take us away and kill us by themselves. ”When they took us away, the men who abducted us started quarrelling among themselves; and at that point none of them could summon the courage to behead us as they were told.” Mr. Ephraime Maor, the victim’s father who could not curtail his joy, Corroborating the story of his son said; ”I had prayed with him before putting him in the commercial vehicle which had other passengers and was heading to Gboko, a trip that was less than 80 kilometres from Makurdi. ”I gathered from my son that when they were less than five kilometers to Gboko town, just at Yandev, the driver of the vehicle complained that the vehicle had developed a fault. ”He was said to have parked the vehicle, ostensibly in the pretense that the vehicle was immovable and would require repairs. ”But moments later it became obvious that nothing was wrong with the bus. The driver adopted the decoy to ensure that other passengers aborted their trip with his vehicle in order to provide him a platform to execute his evil plot, but the God who gives children never allowed it. ”My son said, at that point most of the passengers opted to board other vehicles, but the driver urged my son and another female student of Gboko High School to wait for another vehicle he contacted to take them to their destination. ”He said, few minutes later, a Toyota Hilux van came and the two of them were asked to board the vehicle; but on getting to their destination, the driver of the van refused to stop, the occupants of the van tied up the children and blindfolded them. ”My son said they were taken to a forest in Gboko, where the kids were tied up and presented before an aged women in a shrine. ”According to him, the woman had wanted to behead them for rituals, but later changed her mind after she discovered that they were not the category of children that would suit the sacrifice,” he informed. “At this time, my son said they were crying and begging for mercy; my son said, the woman however handed a machete to one of the kidnappers and instructed that the two kids should be killed on their way back. ”However, along the way, by divine intervention, instead of killing the children, their abductors engaged each other in a heated argument and they could not be able to agree among themselves on how to kill the children. ”While still engaged in this heated argument, their abductors dumped them at Apir in the outskirt of Makurdi town were a good Samaritan picked them up and took them to a safer place at Ikayonge from where I was called.” He said he hurried off to Ikpayonge where he met his son crying uncontrollably after which he narrated his bizarre ordeal Hmmm! Evil here, evil there, evil everywhere. Is this desperation for wealth, or the sheer wickedness of man to man or both. Lets rub minds, share your thoughts with us!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:01:36 +0000

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