This story is one of my biggest WHYs. WHY do I continue to post - TopicsExpress


This story is one of my biggest WHYs. WHY do I continue to post about Plexus. Please read Angelas story! Then message me if you know someone who needs help....who is desperate to get their life back. In PAIN...this is for you! If you know someone in pain...please share this with could change their life!! Nothing else worked for Angela FaithBUT Plexus!! Not only is Angela now pain free....she has also built herself a really nice business and is helping SO many more!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Angela Faith. Ive got Fibromyalgia , Lupus , and a couple other auto immune disorders too. Its hard for me to pick a part of my day that was my most dreaded before Plexus. But getting up in the morning was one of them. And someone who doesnt know these particular diseases might think sure, because you were tired & fatigued, right? Well, its more than that. Imagine that you are tired and fatigued when you go to sleep, and when you wake up you feel worse. Rather than feeling rested, now your body is super stiff AND you are still fatigued and drained of energy. And pulling yourself out of bed is the very first thing youre going to do that day that is going to draw on your already VERY LIMITED energy reserves. Getting up hurts. you feel like your joints and every tissue is over-filled with fluid of some sort. Your neck is stiff, your brain feels overloaded... and you havent even gotten halfway across your room yet. You want to cry. You try to stretch it out, knowing there is a tiny bit of relief in doing so. You eventually will yourself to get to the coffee machine because it holds some kind of solace. Warmth, an energy source, a creature-comfort that you have come to rely on to plow through your days. Refills are more of a mental recharge than anything because your body has stopped even responding to the caffeine. So much so, that when you realize it you just go ahead and switch to decaf knowing the caffeine has stopped actually giving you a boost of energy anyway. And of course , you toss in those prescription medications you caved in to taking once you knew you could no longer function even at a basic level without some help. That is a snippet of my life before Plexus. In October of 2013 my world reversed, almost in an instant. I began using Plexus Slim, Biocleanse , and Probio5. These 3 made a DRAMATIC change almost overnight. actually it was just under 2 weeks. I was very consistent. And I already was a water drinker, and drank about 75 oz a day on a regular basis. (Im 57 and was about 161 lbs.) So I helped my products work quickly because of that. I stopped needing my coffee for that mental energy because I was waking up rested, energized, and gloriously pain free. I have NEVER used another pain medication since. I can work out because I am pain free & have energy. I can enjoy being with my family which, to be honest with you all , is absolutely the biggest blessing. I only ever wanted to be a mom, and have been one for 18 years. At age 30 these diseases started taking away my greatest joy. I was sad , in pain, fatigued, overwhelmed, and could find NO ESCAPE from the life that my husband and I had built. The life Id truly wanted... and now wanted out of. Those are the hard words to type. The ones that have tears stinging my eyes and my throat closing in... because it scares me. That I was so ready to give up; when the real me would never give up. I want to be part of everything my family does & be here to fiercely love my kids the way I am built to. But for a few years the pain had replaced who i was with this angry, frustrated person who I look back & dont even recognize. Now, 14 months later, I have been able to help SO many more people & have built an amazing business too. No one will EVER tell me Plexus products dont really work. They are the Only thing that ever did, for me. And I had a long history of supplement, diet, and probiotic use that did nothing for my situation. Youve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 19:41:28 +0000

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