This trial should have never been associated with the president - TopicsExpress


This trial should have never been associated with the president and the head of the DOJ, Eric Holder. When a president says that a police department acted stupidly about his professor, a black man, he is race baiting. When Obama says that if he had a son, he would look just like Travon, that is race baiting. When Eric Holder, who was commissioned by Obama, will not prosecute the Black Panthers for voter intimidation, that is race bias. When Eric Holder is considering civil charges against Zimmerman, that is race baiting. When the DOJ and Eric Holder has a special unit to go to Florida to protest against Zimmerman, that is race baiting. These two in charge have sent race relations back 50 years. We elected a black president and this is how he repays us? MSNBC says there should be race rioting because of this? This is purely media sensationalism and race baiting by our leaders. It is very sad. While I hurt for the parents of Travon for losing a son and their being very respectful in this case, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and even Obama have made this their issue. Lets hear the president say anything, just anything about this horrible story in Atlanta, about the black kids that killed a white kid. I bet any amount of money, he will say nothing. If the races of these two people had been reversed, nothing would have come out of the Obama administration, because nothing will come of this situation. We would have never heard of Travon Martin or George Zimmerman had the race been different. I am so saddened that race relations, that have come so far since I lived in Georgia as a kid, have become so divided and I clearly think it is by design that this is all happening. Sadly, we will hear crickets from Obama about this story...
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:58:55 +0000

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