This was missed from the last newsletter of term and written by - TopicsExpress


This was missed from the last newsletter of term and written by Julie Backholer PTA Secretary: Thank you from your PTA Last Friday we were blessed with a dry day for the PTA Summer Fayre. We needed a large number of volunteers to help at the event to ensure its success. There are therefore a huge number of people that the PTA committee would like to thank, who have helped to make the Summer Fayre so successful. Thank you to: • Rob Breeze, Sue Stell, the Senior Management Team and the office staff for your amazing help and co-operation. To all the teachers and TAs for all the inspired class crafts. Thank you also to those members of staff who attended the Fayre. Lastly, thank you to Site Manager Syd Holland for generally being very helpful, for carrying stuff and putting up all the gazebos! • All the staff who carried all the tables back into school...Monday morning was seamless and you would never know that we had emptied most of the classrooms of tables and chairs! • The pupils who carried tables and chairs, sold cakes, and generally helped out. • All of the parents, guardians, carers and families who came to the Fayre and supported our school by parting with hard earned cash. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. • To Torquay United Ladies Team for their unbelievable support on Beat the Goalie, and to Fightworx for their beautifully executed and disciplined display on the field. But...most of all a very huge round of applause to our very own Cheerleading Team for an absolutely fantastic, knockout display. • To Lara Priestley who compiled the programme for the Summer Fayre amongst other duties. • To Lisa Phillips who has done a wonderful job of keeping everyone in our facebook group up to date with PTA news amongst other duties. (If you haven’t joined yet then find us on facebook. The group is called – St Margaret’s Academy PTA). • To all the helpers: Matt and Lara Priestley, Sarah Broom, Claire Roberts, Nick, Alison and Joe Tansley, Helen Gowers, Vix Lamble Blake, Jo Spurle, Page Whatley, Aimee Krystal Evans, Roberta Sharlott, Chloe Dawson, Jill Gillon, Pauline Dunn, Randi Cutmore, Fatima El-Mazouri, Kate Holmes, Anitha Phenu, Anitha and Ben Locke, Alicia Taylor-Wood, Michelle Clark, Danielle Ullah, John Hall, Cathy Wilson, Tracey Stevens & her husband, Avril Brooks & her husband, as well as Kannit Stephenson and her sister who provided some delicious thai food. • To anyone we have forgotten! Thank you!!! We are absolutely delighted to announce that the total profit raised from the Summer Fayre is: £2,035 Thank you once again from your PTA committee. Jo Sharlott, Kerry Gillon and Julie Backholer Every child at St Margaret’s Academy should have received a badge as a small token to celebrate the 50th Anniversary (from PTA funds). So check your book bags! Wishing you all a very happy summer holidays.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:15:48 +0000

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