This was the inspiration message sent out by my friend, and former - TopicsExpress


This was the inspiration message sent out by my friend, and former pastor, Ron Larson. Thank you RON What God Hates “There are six things that God hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.” Prov. 6:16-19 “God is love.” You learned that as a child. You hear it in sermons. You know it as truth. Yet God also has seven things He hates. This may seem strange from a deity who is often portrayed as a kind old grandfather who accepts everything and everyone. But God also hates. His heart is soured by seven things that tear at the very fabric of His creation. Avoid these attitudes/actions. Run from the temptation to justify even one of them. None belong as garments a child of God would ever choose to wear. Haughty eyes look down on another of God’s children with judgment and disgust. These eyes are the fruit of a heart that is centered upon itself rather than the Lord. Its fertilizer is pride. It loves only its own being. It will fake a shadowy compassion that has no lasting effect on the lives of those it encounters. Haughty eyes come from an impure heart. Wash your eyes often in the pool of humility. A lying tongue damages without thought of consequences. It is a useless attempt to keep any blame from landing on its life. It projects instead a false justification of its own righteousness. Lies are a thin cover for a guilty heart. Tell the truth, even when you know there will be temporary costs to your public self-image. Otherwise your personal image that you must look at in the mirror each morning will haunt you without mercy. Hands that shed innocent blood are not always a knife in someone’s back; they are more often a sword struck into another’s reputation. Only cowards use words to attack someone from the safety of a home computer or in the back alleys of a secret conversation. Remember, every word one speaks about a person whom God loves is also an attack on the image and character of God who created them. Avoid harmful words-both sharing them and listening to the filth pouring from a conversational coward. A heart which devises wicked schemes has forgotten the holiness of God. It walks in its own set of values. It lays aside what God desires in exchange for a selfish pursuit of what it believes that God is withholding from it. This soul simply needs to soak in the shower of God’s Spirit. It must receive the truth that nothing gained by sin stays around. Only God can reward you with that you seek which you desire to become permanent. Feet that rush quickly into evil do so to please another it seeks approval from. Some join a group, a gang, or a gathering of people who grant them a sense of belonging which they thirst for with unrestrained passion. They readily do whatever is required to remain accepted. Poor choices lead to persistent actions needed to maintain positive affirmation. Yet the end results are brokenness and burdens that God never intended for anyone to experience. A false witness is the most dangerous of these seven attitudes/actions that God hates. There is little defense from one who spreads lies about another out of a heart of hurt and rejection. People will stupidly and all too easily believe a lie over truth often out of their own need to feel better about themselves. When someone wants to share their junk about another with you, send them to the junkyard whose address is “he@@” to make their deposit there. That is the only proper place for the words of a false witness. Finally, be careful of being in a relationship with one who constantly stirs up trouble among others. This person is a wolf dressed as a lamb. They may seem innocent. They may sound correct. They may be convincing. They will probably do many good things in the beginning to win your trust. But in the end they will devour you and your flock with savage fury. All you will be left with is the stink of death and for those who survive-the spirit of division. Today, when you understand what God hates you will have a deeper appreciation of who He loves. Pastor Ron
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:50:40 +0000

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