This waste of time and resources that could be going toward our - TopicsExpress


This waste of time and resources that could be going toward our already over-burdened school budgets is ridiculous. Especially since there is no way that this is going to go unchallenged in court. This is just another one of Saccones attempts to entangle his religious beliefs with government. After his Year of the Bible and other religious resolutions can there be any doubt that this bill is religious in nature? If Saccone wants children to learn more about American History then perhaps fighting for a larger education budget would be more effective that simply hanging a sign that at best will be soon become part of the backdrop of the school and ignored and at worst is divisive and intolerant to the students with different religious beliefs or none at all. Part of that history course should include how the countrys motto was changed from the inclusive E Pluribus Unum (From many, One) to the divisive In God We Trust during the Red Scare of the 50s in an attempt to differentiate the U.S. from those godless communists. Or maybe teachers could talk about how the Continental Congress HAD the long hard discussion about whether or not to have a state religion when writing the Constitution, and ended up voting to form a secular society instead of a Christian one (or any other religion), a fact backed up by the wording of the Treaty of Tripoli, a lawful document that states . Perhaps a civics lesson on the first amendment of the constitution, where if forbids government from backing any particular religion, would be in order as well. The constitution tells us that the US is a secular society that should neither suppress or back any particular religion but to allow all to worship or not worship as they see fit as individuals. This is simply another attempt to distract from the real problems that PA faces and the Republicans failure to deal with them as well as a way for Saccone to once again force his beliefs on everyone else instead of letting everyone worship however they please or not at all.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:47:26 +0000

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