This week at progressive states blogs: Battling means hard work in - TopicsExpress


This week at progressive states blogs: Battling means hard work in TX, Chao lectures Grimes in KY ::posted Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:00:06 +0000:: rss@dailykos (Meteor Blades) Just as states with progressive lawmakers and activists have themselves initiated innovative programs over a wide range of issues, state-based progressive blogs have helped provide us with a point of view, inside information and often an edgy voice that we just dont get from the traditional media. This week in progressive state blogs is designed specifically to focus attention on the writing and analysis of people focused on their home turf. Let me know via comments or Kosmail if you have a favorite state- or city-based blog you think I should be watching. Inclusion of a diary does not necessarily indicate my agreement or endorsement of its contents. At Left in Alabama, countrycat writes—Republicans Cant Even Say Happy Birthday Without Being Jerks: Is wishing someone a simple happy birthday too much civility now? Apparently it is for the RNC. This hit my email yesterday & I noticed it in the trash folder—which is appropriate when you read the content: Next week is President Obamas birthday. Democrats are asking you to sign a card, but we have a better idea. Lets send him THE CONSTITUTION. Click on the link & you get this explanation: President Obama has made it clear that he has a pen and a phone, and that he is willing to go around Congress and the Constitution to get his way. So for his birthday, the RNC is delivering a copy of the U.S. Constitution to the White House so Obama can read it before he picks up his pen or phone. Join us in sending Obama a reminder that our great nation has a Constitution that cannot be ignored. Add your name to send President Obama the U.S. Constitution. Add this to the textbook definition of chutzpah. Why is the President using a pen and a phone? Because Congress wont do anything while in session and just today began a five week vacation. In fact, while they whine about all the vacation time this President has taken (although its less than Bush II or Reagan), lthey reduced this years work schedule to just 116 days. In 2013, they were in session a whopping 126 days. At Burnt Orange Report of Texas, Katherine Haenschen writes—Wendy Davis and Battleground Texas Blow Past Another Ambitious Goal: Over this past weekend, the Wendy Davis campaign and Battleground Texas had a really ambitious goal: 50,001 door knocks. By Sunday night it was clear that theyd blown the doors off those goals: supporters knocked on 75,966 doors and made 91,589 calls to voters in Texas. Yowza. Surpassing these huge voter contact goals so early in the campaign—and during the blistering heat of August—further emphasizes the enthusiasm and energy behind Wendys campaign for governor. While traditional media outlets are wringing their hands over whether a Democrat is competitive in Texas, Wendy and her team are consistently doing the hard work it takes to turn Texas from a non-voting state into a competitive battleground. You can read excerpts from more progressive state blogs below the orange gerrymander. [Forwarded by the MyLeftBlogosphere news engine. Link to original post below:]
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:52:41 +0000

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