This whole situation in Paris is so filled with contradictions and - TopicsExpress


This whole situation in Paris is so filled with contradictions and intellectual insincerity. Im honestly getting sick of it. We are made to feel that we are to blame for every crime that anyone with dark skin commits, while people ignore the rest of what is going on around those events. When the West goes around killing Muslims day and night, more than THREE MILLION innocent lives taken in the past 20 years and hundreds of millions living as refugees and suffering day and night, that is fine and acceptable. No uproar here. And when the West sends troops into the Muslim lands, destroying entire countries, ruining entire economies, turning thriving civilizations into rubble, bombing them into the stone ages, while their troops rape children and then kill the family of those children to hide the evidence, that is fine and acceptable. No uproar here. And when the West arrests and charges women who choose to cover their faces out of a desire for chastity and dedication to their Creator, that is fine and acceptable. No uproar here. And when the West treats anti-semitism, or expressing doubts about the holocaust, as a crime deserving of fines and arrest, that is fine and acceptable. No uproar here. And when the West arrests and imprisons Muslims for going to Syria to help the people there who are hungry and freezing in refugee camps or in destroyed neighbourhoods, or to help topple a well-known tyrant, and treats them as terrorists, some being sentenced to jail for life, that is fine and acceptable. No uproar here. And when the West funds and protects the worst tyrants in the world, tyrants who starve, imprison, and torture their people, and the West praises them as allies and funds them with hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars, that is fine and acceptable. No uproar here. But when a Muslim or a few Muslims kill someone who is blatantly trying to inflame and piss off Muslims who care more about their Creator (swt) and Prophet (saw) than they do about their own families, by constantly drawing pictures insulting what Muslims hold most sacred, the whole world stands up in an uproar, and is willing to completely ignore all the above facts and crimes, and focus all blame squarely on Islam and Muslims, as if they are sinless angels just wanting peace for the world, and we are the vicious and violent monsters wanting death and destruction for the world. LA HAWLA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH HILALIYOUL AZIM. And these pathetic scholars, these embarrassments to this Ummah, these mouth pieces for the tyrants: silent when the rulers betray Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw), silent when the rulers betray the interests of the believers, silent when the rulers implement Kufr over us and divide our lands. But they jump up like a lowly slave when his master asks him to do something. They jump to condemn the crime without any mention of the context of the crime. They ignore all the crimes against Islam and Muslims, and fully submit to the worst criminals on earth today pointing their finger at us. LA HAWLA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH HILALIYOUL AZIM. These days are days of patience. These days are days of miserable leadership that do not do this Deen justice. We have no voice. Our voice is dominated by the most pathetic among us. Our voice are people who shame us and shame the example of our Prophet (saw), and shame the example of the most honorable of men after the prophets, the Sahaba (ra). What can we do but repeat what we have said before, and repeat it again the next time the criminals and murderers and thugs of the West decide to point their blood soaked finger at us for something they are far more guilty of. LA HAWLA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH HILALIYOUL AZIM. Wallahi these words do not even break the surface of this disaster we drown in. May Allah (swt) humiliate these shameless leaders who have no vision for this Deen and offer this Ummah no dignity. By brother Mazin Abdul-Adhim
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:56:51 +0000

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