This will not be shocking at all to those 13% who ever watch - TopicsExpress


This will not be shocking at all to those 13% who ever watch independant media, but really hope some of those who trust mainstream media will educate themselves. ..this is just one film exposing a bit of the spin.....USA.but in Australia no less...the monopoly of mainstram media and the loading of electoral candidates destroys democracy , results in abbetted corruption at all levels of governance, and has and is drastically reducing the quality of life for many many people while those perpetuating the corruption of truth are increasingly rewarded. This is not a true democracy. The people, for any balanced view, need to understand the degree to which our view of events is manipulated, and often in grossly, shockingly unjust manner.. Without media and electoral integrity, we are just dispensable pawns in a game of greed and violence. The Earth and its people are worth more than this contempt. In Australia we see no reports for eg.on the scale of massive thousands-strong worldwide protests against govt corruption/lack of decent social policy We see no reports of the banning of gmos in many countries, independant risk studies, Aussie farmer fighting for his WA farm after losing livelihood due to contamination by usual uncontained gm pollen. We dont hear on the news that Monsanto spent 8 million in one US state to defeat peoples basic right to know, . We dont hear that Hawaii people forced a referendum and voted to ban gmo food and seed on their island completely....and Monsanto is flying in team of lawyers and suing them. Suing the people for their democratic vote to protect their island. There are many examples, many issues, millions suffering, this is a handful. This vid is only one, and about America. Please educate yourselves! Mainstream and govt approve what they want you to know....I want my children to have a chance of justice, equity and respect. Thankyou for reading ♡
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:47:32 +0000

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