This woman is the product of a Democratic Liberal America who has - TopicsExpress


This woman is the product of a Democratic Liberal America who has given her the impression everyone else is responsible for the care and support of her 15 children. I really cant be mad at her because she really dosent seem to know any better. Her and many others have been mislead to believe Obama cares about them and is going to make it alright with free healthcare, food stamps, support checks and subsidies for housing. Boy is she gonna be mad at Bush for somehow stopping her beloved Obama from keeping all those promises. When there are more people receiving than earning the end is in sight as it is now. I cannot express how mad I am that people are so lazy and corrupt as to think this is how it should be. This lady is a perfect example. A good dose of reality would go a long way to revising her demands, such as all of her children should be taken and placed in homes where they will be taken care of and not raised to think as there mother does that they are owed. The welfare for life ticket is to be revoked immediately and receive some job training so she has a chance to support herself. Is this how as A Democrat you think the country should be run, well if you do you children will cry themselves to sleep at night.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:48:50 +0000

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