This year I spent my Christmas on the couch covered up by myself - TopicsExpress


This year I spent my Christmas on the couch covered up by myself because I have been so sick. I couldnt really enjoy the kids opening their gifts and I was more focused on laying back down under cover rather than opening any gifts. I didnt get to spend the day with my family and the sickness kept me home from seeing my sweet nephew Lucas and my brother so this definitely wasnt the way I had our Christmas planned. But I am thankful for the blessings God has given me. Instead of whining and complaining today I am thankful because I woke up to my family. I am feeling better and I am thankful. Even though my plans that I had for Christmas didnt happen the way I wanted-- God protected those that I love from getting sick and He is healing me & He always has the perfect plan for my life and for yours. We dont always understand but we just trust IN HIM and not on our own understanding. My heart was filled with love this morning seeing faces of my family and friends at church. I cant wait to watch God move in the lives of a young couple that I love dearly as they begin their lives together. Regardless how you feel or how dark your world may be right now if you will just open your eyes and your heart you will see the light of Jesus shine on you. Dont let the dreary of this world pull you down so dark that you forget to see the light of the many blessings right in front of your face. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and your grace. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 19:14:27 +0000

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