This year, my family and I have experienced a Christmas Miracle. - TopicsExpress


This year, my family and I have experienced a Christmas Miracle. On December 23rd, while shopping in a crowded store, my phone received a barrage of text messages from my children. The texts were frantic, disjointed and fragmented as they circulated among six people. It seemed that after a routine checkup, my oldest son was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. Emergency brain surgery was to take place the following morning on Christmas Eve. Since returning from serving in Iraq, my son had been suffering with a painful condition called, Trigeminal Neuralgia...also called the Suicide Disease because, over time, the pain (much like a strong electrical shock across the face) becomes so intense that even the strongest medications wont work. Victims frequently take desperate measures to end the suffering. There is little that can be done for the condition, aside from severing the facial nerves. On this particular day, a visiting Neurosurgeon happened to review my sons case and discovered that if emergency surgery wasnt done immediately, my son would suffer anoxia. It also happens that this particular surgeon had trained under the doctor who had developed a surgical procedure for treating this disease. The procedure was named after this doctor and only 20 of these procedures had been performed. The following morning, my son had the surgery. When he woke up he realized for the first time in years the pain was gone. He is recovering quickly and without the pain, able to sleep like a baby. On Christmas day we brought gifts to his hospital room and had a quiet celebration. Again, I am grateful and at awe of the uncanny synchronization of people, places and events surrounding this issue. Like in a beautiful dream, everyone and everything seemed to fall into place. Thats what I call a miracle.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 01:43:37 +0000

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