This years Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka - TopicsExpress


This years Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka has ended, after attracting far more controversy and press coverage than anyone could have expected at the outset. Several leaders found themselves under pressure to denounce the Rajapaksa administrations handling of the final stages and aftermath of Sri Lankas civil war, which ended in 2009 with the defeat of the separatist Tamil Tigers. The Prime Ministers of Canada and Mauritius, two states with heavy Tamil expatriate communities, declined to attend, while British PM Cameron set a deadline for Sri Lanka to investigate accusations of war crimes and media suppression, a call that was met extremely negatively in Colombo. Camerons public statement may have come after private requests to the Sri Lankan government were rebuffed, but such a demand from a former colonial power will only enhance domestic pressure on President Rajapaksa to not set up such an investigation. Its particularly important to note Indias approach to the summit. With Sri Lanka now unified for the first time in decades and looking to project its influence in the Indian Ocean, PM Singh had the option of using the meeting to establish friendly ties with the Rajapaksa government, which appears secure in its position. Conversely, PM Singh could have taken the opportunity to make a state visit to the northern city of Jaffna, the center of Tamil culture on the island and a stones throw away from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Such a visit would underline Indias commitment to the Sri Lankan Tamils, reinforcing their ability to use them as a means of pressuring Colombo on other issues. Instead, Singh chose to skip the summit altogether, succumbing to boycott calls from Tamil Nadu politicians. While many attempt to bill it as a valuation of human rights over Indias realist interests, Singhs decision was a domestic political calculation, since his Congress party needs to maintain Tamil support in next years Lok Sabha elections. While getting the PM to boycott the Colombo summit represents a small victory for Tamil Nadu politicians, it does not help India extend influence into its southern neighbor, who has been actively searching for an outside trade and investment partner to counter India. With Western states hamstrung over human rights concerns, Colombo is increasingly finding that partner in China, whose investment is helping build ports, modernize economic infrastructure, and enhance military capabilities, which may eventually come in return for strategic allowances in the region.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:30:54 +0000

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