Those bleeding-heart liberals working with the Senate Intelligence - TopicsExpress


Those bleeding-heart liberals working with the Senate Intelligence Committee and who built that report, dont trouble themselves thinking deeply about the concept of an Existential Threat. To them, the facts smart - this last election on Nov. 4, (including Sen. Feinstein) were trounced, took a real ass-kicking - a repudiation of the Obama administration and its policies. This Intelligence Report, which doubtless wouldve come out anyway, represents a parting payback shot from Democrats - the Disgruntled Employee group; its a passive-aggressive. Which you cant justify today, let alone in the context of immediate-post- 9/11/2001, especially when there were serious, ongoing, follow-up plots targeting the U.S. at home and overseas. How could any American ever forget the images of that day on 9/11 or, be objective yet still lose any sleep or even be concerned about the treatment of terrorists? Furthermore, to claim we did not get valuable, actionable intelligence is a of many our Congress tells us. Mainly John McCain who started us down this crazy road. Early in my career...I was subjected to this practice as training. Its what we may have to endure if captured. I will attest that this one very unpleasant experience I have EVER been through. I also knew if I did not go through this I would be disenrolled in my course of training. I was also aware that a responsible medical officer was present. I believe I suffered no lasting trauma...some of you who know me may was not torture and really pales in comparison what the enemy would do to me if I were ever captured. Just look to Iraq right can only imagine. Thats war. Its NOT Sunday School.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:05:36 +0000

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