Those who know politics well, realize that you only have one - TopicsExpress


Those who know politics well, realize that you only have one leader at a time. Dim Odimegwu Ojukwu and Sir Victor Umeh yielded to Mr. Peter Obi. The past six years are a clear referendum on Peter Obis impact on Anambra state, and APGA, the political vehicle WHICH BROUGHT HIM TO OFFICE. While the civil and political calamity which were the bane of Anambra state before the advent of an Obi Governorship, have been calmed by the Obi factor, ALL recognize that nothing has been done to improve the APGA fortunes both locally in Anambra state, and nationally in Nigeria. And frankly, the APGA faithful are tired of it. Peter Obi is not the Political messiah APGA was looking for. It will be really shocking if he does anything between now and 2013 to improve or revitalize the fortunes of APGA. Shocking. You cannot head a hunting expedition, become successful with your troupe, bind the the trophy animal, singly throw it around your neck as the prize catch, turn around and call your troupe, hungry and greedy. No, no, no, no. Something is wrong. Really wrong. In retrospect, what kind of a leader did we really have to lead this expedition? We all kept quiet because it took a long time and great effort by everybody seen and unseen to get this prize catch. We also kept quiet because we knew that when Peter arrived at the village square with this catch, The villagers will cheer at the long waited for success, signaling the change in our electoral fortunes. Let me remind that the troupe already shocked at your behavior in the bush, however knew of, expected and were really pacified by the cheer of the villagers which they heard from afar when you arrived with the prized catch. That was the real emotional thrill and reward, because nobody had heard that joyful noise around here in a looooooong time. The villagers also knew you had a hunting troupe with you. THEY KNOW YOU DID NOT MAKE THIS ALONE. Your troupe did not want to look greedy, selfish and fighting after all that struggle. Some of us decided to follow your lead. That at some point youll come to your senses, turn around, acknowledge the role of your fellow hunters, and how same roles may be replicated towards the success of future expeditions. NO. YOU DID NOT. You think they are all fools. Yes, They should all head their own electoral expeditions and imitate your success. WOW! And so our party became a party which would not aid those without their own money. You must have your own money to join APGA, run for position in APGA and contest elections from APGA. A primer for electoral failure. So we went ahead to tell PDP moneybags that they were welcome, and that well offer them a merry go round if it did not work out in PDP. We then worked hard to create resentment, disillusionment amongst the APGA faithful as the APGA faithful watched individuals who had nothing to do with the electoral success in Anambra mount our party flags. You still wonder why Chuma Nzeribe failed? Tell me, how did Chuma Nzeribe really get along with our Late National Leader, Odimegwu Ojukwu?. It must have been really fun discussing the APGA future and fortunes over a cup of tea. Some coversation. We (APGANS), are no fools. Then we created rancor and among the hunting ranks. The hunting troupe began to have disagreements on how to follow this successful head hunter. They could not even be allowed to suggest how different parts of the hunted animal could be used to further the partys electoral fortunes. Their hunting thirst stunted and their dreams went into a coma. It is almost difficult to have this men regenerate their original vision for APGA or going hunting with you. Your hunting troupe were rather reduced to beggars at your table, asking for a piece of the meat which they toiled night and day to hunt down. Most of them you would not sight or even give you ears. People Like Udeozo whom you pitifully made a Caretaker local government chairman 6 years later, opened their mouths to tell us that you were the primary benefactor and catered for the welfare of all, and you were right to share the spoils as you see fit. Really? That you were the only one who poured your money into APGA, sent APGA disciples overseas and catered for their welfare. Like some famous author of old would say Believe this, Youll believe anything. Pure lunacy. Further, when people with APGA issues tried to engage your perspective, you always replied and I quote Go to to the National Chairman. I have nothing to do with the party affairs or running of the party. We seemed to dig this seperation of roles at first and that everything will unfold with time. You did not welcome or discuss issues regarding the future of the party. You made all hold the opinion that the National Chairmans opinion were yours, and rarely contradicted each other. What changed? Was it the 20 million naira monthly disbursement. A PDP chieftain called me (this writer) and asked Did Obi really say he gives the National Chairman 20 million as monthly subvention to run the National party? I replied that that was what Obi said. The PDP chieftain said He (Obi) is not serious. There you have it. From your fellow Money bags. As a political party under your leadership and up till present, we do not have a road map on how to navigate things in Nigeria. Your mantra seems to be - Trust the Nigerian status quo. Well, How can we when our elder statesman Vice president Alex Ekwueme tells us that there are machinations in Nigeria which do not want the igbo to see the Political light of day. (Read Daily Sun October 28, 2012). You seem to have succumbed to the mbekwu Igbo syndrome which our late National leader Chief Odimegwu Ojukwu vehemently disagrees with. Please tell us, what is wrong and standing up as an Igbo man for the Igbo Nigerian?. What is wrong with doing same under the banner of the ALL PROGRESSIVES GRAND ALLIANCE (APGA)? Your Political dynamism approach has never favored the igbo. Ask Nnamdi Azikiwe, Alex Ekwueme, or I hate to say the name - Phillip Chukwuemeka Asiodu. The earlier 2 in their twilight came to acknowledge that the Igbo must have a core representation advocating Igbo interests in Nigeria. Ekwueme finally said it after pretending over so many decades for fear of being denied Nigerian Leadership, that Ojukwu was right! There you have it. The great Odimegwu Ojukwu did not want to be seen in contradiction with you because that was not what he wanted to be remembered for. He tolerated your politics and positions but he was clear on the fact that the IGBO MUST HAVE A VOICE. That is APGA. What has been done to sustain APGA?. or, will we continue to serially blame one National Chairman after another, and another, and another, while knowing that the buck stops with you. You obviously know, that this Massalla thing cant work for the APGA electorate. It is a slap in the face. The Igbo cannot be subjected to this disgrace. You are also aware that APGA politics does not begin and end with Anambra state or its relationship to the Federal Government. APGA politics is very fertile in the South-East, South South, Parts of the South-West including Lagos State, the Middle belt and the North cental regions of Nigeria. Please tell us to which of these populations are you or your cohorts endeared or acceptable to? Ojukwu himself, at the Government House - Awka, in the presence of scions of Igbo Leadership - Azikiwe and Osadebay respectively, threw his hat down on the Government House floor and announced to you - Peter Obi, “You are my Governor (leader)”, to make Obi understand his new mantle. Obi did not probably understand the role hed assumed for the Igbo. We, including Obi himself, all kept making allusions to the role of TINUBU, Lagos State and AD, and hoped APGA would pass the same state of affairs. That was dreamland. We are still dreaming. While we were still dreaming the Labor Party (LP) happened to Ondo State. You are a living witness as to how that party has operated at the Ward, Local Government and State levels in Ondo. Hint; Their National Chairman is Igbo. You dont hear him everyday talking about LP party issues. Hes allowed the Governor be front, center and representative of LP. The Governor of Ondo state has not disappointed in making the LP faithful feel the impact of the party at the ward, local and state levels. Everybody is carried along. Our National Chairman, Chief Sir Victor Umeh, did same for Peter Obi up for reasons bothering on the political, fraternal and cultural, until 6 months ago. You never, ever heard him complain about the Governor, even when it was open knowledge that the party hierarchy was grumbling about this Governor and his manner of communion with the party. ACN even though dominant in the West, has nothing on LP. Moral: Reward and strengthen the party base. PETER OBI has not done that. That in a nutshell is the problem of APGA. All who play politics believe that no single person has enough money to wade into state and national Politics. It is a bankrupting exercise. You cannot mention any one Igbo man who is capable of spending individual wealth and rousing Igbo nationalism to capture the states of the South East and foray into the South-South. None. Enter Anambra State and Peter Obi. Our joy at Peter’s election and judicial victory was that we now had a base and means from which to gain access to other states of the South-East and South-South. What has been Peter Obi’s role in rousing the APGA faithful to APGA electoral fortunes in neighboring Delta, Enugu, Ebonyi, Abia, Imo or Rivers States, since assuming office and all paraphernalia that go with it.?. Please cite. As Governor, you cannot attempt to reduce all in your party to nominals, and complain about non-performance, knowing fully well the buck stops at your door. You cannot forgo your role and pass the buck. Rather, what has been made more manifest is a fraternizing with the PDP and its Governors who do not see you as threat to their PDP interests. Leading PDP Governor Chime of Enugu State to remark “As soon as my friend Peter obi’s tenure ends, APGA is dead.” What will prompt Governor Chime to make such comments?. For APGA, Governor Obi will rather leave a legacy of creating hungry and disillusioned APGA members in his entourage, who frustratingly lunge at each other because of a perception that the conductor whom you gave feeding money has refused to inform you to stop the bus at rest stops to enable the entourage feed properly. Reality is, You gave nothing!. APGA has rather been subjected to making passes at, and picking up rich, lazy straggling, rejected and dejected passengers (especially from PDP), who act as if they don’t need the party, and are doing us a favor by being there. Name them, Chuma Nzeribe, Joy Emordi etc., who were directly recruited by Peter Obi. Please tell me why any sane Igbo would have Chuma Nzeribe represent APGA?. PDP will not even touch him with a 100 feet pole, despite all he did for them?These PDP rejects also demonstrate a visible disdain to the APGA electorate and its issues. They will tell you that they’d already made their name before APGA came calling. These PDP journeymen are not prepared to campaign or stand for issues representing the APGA electorate. The case of Dora Akunyili is rather pathetic. Akunyili given her rep and good works, should have won her senatorial seat. Unfortunately, NGIGE matched her resume. The difference was the lack of a grassroots organization. While Ngige roused his ex-PDP faithful, APGA could not do same. Which makes the National Chairman’s point germane that we have to grow the APGA grassroots to enable us carry the state elections. The National Chairman has made it clear that he is not a part of this PDP recruitment exercise, and advocated that we grow the local base we have. We in APGA are presently weary and suspicious of PDP members decamping into our party. From our experience, they only use our emotions and dump us at the first opportunity. Other than the above understanding, other PDP decampee motives are not clear. Why Anambra state? Charity begins at home. Anambra was the first APGA state. APGA will have to demonstrate its magic here before onward transmission to other states. As it is now, nobody wants the Obi magic. Ostracize everybody. That is not politics. Question. Why is APGA then bent on picking up people who have scorn for it?. Inferiority complex?. I don’t think the APGA electorate subscribe to that, and will beat anyone down who visibly demonstrates same to it (See Ohakim, Owerri and Imo State politics). That is what APGA faces today. Enter Okorocha, who simply surmised that APGA cannot be an appendage to the PDP. He (Okorocha) should know. These PDP rejects continue to act as if the APGA faithful are fools who do not understand Nigerian national politics and keep advocating the Igbo perspective. They ask us to keep quiet, not fan any Igbo embers and Abuja will share the loot with us. Please Go to Abia State and tell me how the PDP Government has helped with the provision of Roads, bridges, electicity and water, or even revitalizing its economic base at Aba. THEY SIMPLY SHARE THE MONEY and drive around with Mobile Policemen and their Koboko whips to clear logjams at all the BAD ROADS for them. They however refuse to actually tell us the basis of any alignment with the center, other than present ourselves as obedient and subservient. The APGA electorate refuse to be presented or represented as such. We will like to speak our minds and negotiate on issues as we understand them to affect our base. But the hardened Igbo political faithful asks, What happens when we don’t have someone who respects the Igbo position? A la Obasanjo. Do we start crying wolf again and the need to show some strength in ourselves by forming our own organization?. Enter APGA again and the need to strengthen the local base per the position of our National Chairman. Our electoral performance in Anambra State, after 4 years in office, is a testament to the Peter Obi perspective in electoral politics. From this writer’s perspective, it is a C effort. We can shout ANIDS, Millenium Goals, infrastructure building and rebuilding all we want, The electoral box in Anambra has not reflected this. One wonders if Ojukwu was not alive, whether Peter would have won re-election, despite all that was said to be done. Most candidates who won recent elections did same on the tailwind of the Ojukwu Phenomena, not Peter Obi’s performance. If Dora Akunyili’s election performance was a pure referendum on Peter Obi. Chuma Nzeribe’s was a death knell. If that’s anything to by, APGA as we know it and led by Peter Obi is dead, because the performance of Peter Obi in Anambra state was not enough to make Anambrarians vote for Akunyili, or Chuma Nzeribe. please explain how a sitting Governor cannot Lead or campaign for his party to win electoral seats for the Senate and House of representatives in his state. An Abomination. Please see recent Labor Party Victories in Ondo state, or the Oshiomole ACN saga in Edo state. They helped their Chairman create a party base which was rallied when it was needed. APGA has not grown its base, and that continues to be manifested at the polls where the local populations demonstrate their revulsion at the lack of effective APGA presentation and representation at the Ward and local levels, and refuse to vote for our party. We must reward the spiritual base of APGA. APGA is akin to a spiritual movement. Spiritual movements have a solid reference point in Churches where the well-being of the faithful are catered to. All churches have their meeting house in every community on earth. Where are APGAs?. Did you notice the fortunes of NGIGE, ANDY UBA, and now MARGERY OKADIGBO, in Anambra Electoral politics?. That is the work of grassroots campaign. Peter does not and has not allowed APGA to have that in Anambra state. If Umeh had openly challenged Peter Obi 2 years ago during re-election on the above issues, which were open secret then, one would have said the PDP was using him. But the National APGA party in a respectful and brotherly manner presented their concerns regarding the stunted growth of the party, including panacea to make the party better. The National APGA party apparati WERE ASSURED THAT ALL WILL BE WELL AFTER THE ELECTIONS, that Peter understood and had learnt the lesson. NOTHING happened after the elections. What we rather saw was a distancing from the State and National apparatus. It was only in the last 5-6 months when the National Chairman again spoke in earnest, that the Governors inaction was killing the party, that Peter began to talk of holding LG elections, re-constituting Anambra LG chairmen and re-shuffling his cabinet. That is how Menakaya’s son (The Party’s board of trustees chairman) and Okoli Akilika (the state party secretary) became commissioners, a late boon to the party. Which presently and in retrospect, is too little, too late. Do you still think the National Chairman did not have a point?. But, these were agreements before the election 2 years ago. People can become politically tone-deaf, when it suits their whims. Even then, we still have not held the LG elections in Anambra state. For the past 7 years APGA everywhere has waited for the Anambra State governor to lead. All APGA faithful refused to be critical of the Governor, citing that he was our only Governor. If you have your facts straight, how many times have you heard the name Obi and APGA mentioned in the same breath?. Hardly. We were all told that it was a ploy to enable do things one at a time. Everybody, including our late National Leader played along, being very patient with the Governor. We were all reduced to apologists for the state of our Party. The APGA faithful all left the party because of the antics of the Governor who shuns any socio-political festivity. We cannot grow the APGA political organization that way. As a party, we lack warmth, but have only spiritual community because of the strength of what we represent for our people in Nigeria. We continue to call on all relevant and responsible bodies particularly the Anambra State leadership to make this spirit manifest to the general populace, to enable our people a pride of place. APGA has not grown its local base, despite any suggestions to the contrary. APGA cannot grow when the Governor has one-man delegations to economic and political meetings - He just returned from Germany. How are we going to grow political minds when we cannot expose them to the obvious?. The obvious and intangibles are learnt by hanging and standing around during these meetings where political, economic and social alignments happen. Leadership transitions are made to people or groups who have been exposed to the leaders political thought, experiences and broader exposure. Ngige, Mbadinuju, Okadigbo are part of the local Ekwueme political experience. They have in turn created their own faithful base and are reaping from it. APGA has not been allowed to do same. Even the APGA Lagos State Chairman noticed the indifference to APGA electoral campaigns in Lagos and remarked “Obi…,should have campaigned for us.” The National Chairman in recent interviews remarked the absence of Governor Obi in APGA electoral campaigns. Is that how we will grow the party?. I’m sure Odimegwu himself will balk. If the Tinubu standard often referenced by the Governor is anything to go by, Tinubu just took 4 planeloads of the ACN faithful to last Democratic National Convention in North Carolina. I assure you that among that delegation were future Governors, Senators, representatives who are better exposed to political machinery and maneuver on an international scale. That is political grroming and foresight. If something happens tommorrow this group can stand for, defend and represent the same principles they were taught and exposed to. Whither APGA and Peter? APGA cannot frighten or keep its base guessing. It must make the base comfortable in the knowledge of what transpires in the polity to its benefit. APGA must make its base feel like active political participants. The APGA electorate are just that. Very politically active. Why are we not mobilizing them? Nigerian politics, whether we like it or not, is money politics. For APGA, Anambra state and presently Imo state, holds the purse to do anything. How far that purse has been opened to pursue APGA goals is clearly evident for all to see. Politics is not based on intellectual, emotional or other rationale. The populace likes to see some practicalmovement of men, materiel and media, making some joyful noise to their benefit. Movement is best engineered by a willingness to open the purse. The APGA base will surely justify the confidence and overture made to them. Recent calls to have the Chairman leave have been based on 1) the localization of National officers to Anambra State 2) Absence of a ‘Perfect National convention’ 3) allocation of the Governorship to Anambra North, and 4) the lack of APGA representation in different states of the federation. The APGA base recognizes a good leader when it sees one. It does not matter whether a twin, brother, distant cousin or in-law. A good leader commands loyalty because of his approach and deeds. Umeh commands the same because of all his manifest efforts to sustain the party’s fortunes during electioneering campaigns, the polling booths and at election tribunals, and his forthrightness at stating where things stand, all the time. His approach made it possible that only people with conviction can stand the APGA test of time given all odds. Umeh has built the party on people with conviction, and courage to defend the core APGA belief and ethos. It must be rather shocking that the National Chairman commands more loyalty than the State Governor. Something then, is really wrong with the Governor and Nwobu-Alors’ approach to APGA politics, and by the way, Nwobu -Alor cannot be the APGA spokesman.. Also, If the APGA National Convention - The highest functioning organ of the party, which held at the AWKA Women Development Center (WDC) was good enough to select a President of the country, endorse Governorship candidates and National Working members of the party, it should also be good enough to select the National Chairman of our party. We cannot have one and leave the other. Please read your APGA constitution. Regarding Anambra north, our National Chairman is not known for reneging on his words. Onitsha is central to Anambra. Every Anambra man has a stake in Onitsha. Anambra fortunes go as Onitsha go. Our National chairman has not said anything regarding the allocation of Governorship to Anambra North. It must be a democratic process. It is up to Anambra North to present its best democratic candidate. On the lack of APGA representation in the Nigerian states, The APGA electorate are not fools. The Electorate in different states of the federation opened up their homes and offices to become the rallying point of APGA in different states. When we finally won a state, rather than support these existing offices, the Governor did nothing to support the APGA apparatus anywhere. ANYWHERE. These Charity offices closed. We know when something should come out from somewhere to acknowledge the extended charity.. I will end my treatise by citing Chekwas Okorie himself who in an interview with the Sunday Trust July 29, 2012 put the competing interests in the APGA party this way “…One says he wants to be President in 2015 and he needs that platform; The other person wants to negotiate for more relevance in perhaps the PDP government, and maybe influence who succeeds him…”. In summary, that is the current APGA malaise. The National Chairman wants to grow the base from our perspective. The other wants to negotiate APGA away to PDP for more relevance within same circles. Whose side are you on? We are on the side of the Chairman who wants to grow the APGA base. PETER OBI cannot be our LEADER. A leader needs to have a base. PETER OBI has none. Ndewo.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:03:01 +0000

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