Those who read posting here are accustomed to a quote, author’s - TopicsExpress


Those who read posting here are accustomed to a quote, author’s name, title of the book and page number. Below is the usual information. This time it will be followed by a short commentary. Thanks for continuing to read these postings. “The basic reason why intelligence, traveling along paths of abstraction, seeks to understand and explain the universe, is that at bottom, humanity and the universe are part of the unfolding process originating in Nwn. What we are dealing with, in other words, is a cosmic order designed by the intelligent human imagination.” “The theoretical vision that emerges seems to be inspired by an ambition to design a system of linkages embracing all that is and all that exists as such. Further, the vision awakens us to the basic unity of everything in the universe. Nwn is the seed of being and thought, as it is the seed of our thinking about being. That is why the Africans of pharaonic Egypt perceived and conceived of Nature as a cosmic order, ceaselessly renewing itself like the sun rising and setting daily, making the world a livable place notwithstanding the night.” Theophile Obenga “African Philosophy: The Pharaonic Period: 2780-330 BC” Page 602 Commentary: What seems apparent to us is our fear of studying and knowing our history before the “Bible” was written. We seem to think that is taboo and blasphemous. Because many of us feel this way, it makes it difficult to know who we are/were. Our culture was, as some African scholars have said, in its sunset when Europeans appeared on the planet. There is a reason why priests in Egypt/Kemet were also scientists. They understood the scientific knowledge of what they had learned and communicated it to the masses in the form of mythology. This deals with the initiation into different levels of knowledge. Some people understood the science behind the myth. Myths were shared with the majority of the people. Our understanding of the above quote is conveying to us that our intelligence made sense of the world, including our understanding of the creator. Our Ancestors studied the cosmos and nature for thousands of years. They noticed numbers, cycles, patterns, etc, in the universe. We must overcome our fear of the certitude of the “Bible” and study the information that our Ancestors left for us. One of the things they left for us is that when we move away from who we are we get into what some African scholars call “times of trouble”. These times of trouble have been caused by both internal and external forces. The way we get out of these times of trouble is to look back and get clear on who we are. Then look at our current reality and solve our problems based on who we are. In other words, based on thousands of years of Ancestor research, we have to first know who we are before we can solve our problems. If we are afraid to study the many written documents they left for us, how will we ever solve our problems? The Ancestors knew that solutions would not last forever. They left us the process. Draw from that deep well of knowledge and wisdom that is ours by birthright to address our problems of today.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 20:26:39 +0000

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