Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him; I will surely defend - TopicsExpress


Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him; I will surely defend my ways to His face. Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance, for no godless person would dare come before Him! ~Job 13:15-16. My deficits have started to crash around me. Without a job, I simply do not have enough money to maintain my place, not by a third. My jeans have all decided to rip out on me so that Im down to dress pants for casual wear. And my phone, which is critical in my job search, died and needed to be replaced this week as well. Ive gone from being able to help others freely to being a beggar, asking for anything but bread. I interview for work, and Im passed over again and again. It appears God intends me to become homeless again, selling or storing what I have and forcing me to live again under roofs provided by the kindness of others. I wait for my deliverance, and yet it tarries on, breaking me down further and killing hope that this situation wont see me reduced to where I was a couple years ago, wondering why I should ever expect to be anything more than a vagabond on the earth. So this is the verse I cling to in times like this. Not any everything will be awesome eventually or Gods giving you a future and hope verse, but one that says, indeed, if God chooses to wipe me out and strip everything away, if He wants me brought low, or refuses to hear my prayers, then HE IS STILL GOD. And I will hope in Him still, and wait to be delivered, in whatever way He sees fit. Because no matter what, I am not God, and I may never understand His ways entirely, but they are above mine.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:09:04 +0000

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