Though I do not ascribe to the false flag theories and the 9/11 - TopicsExpress


Though I do not ascribe to the false flag theories and the 9/11 truther rhetoric, I do believe that there is far more that they are not telling us, that the narrative is beyond flawed and that like obamas administrations motto of never let a good crisis go to waste the past administration exploited a crisis, made it worse - they found their new boogie man to strip away people s constitutional rights on the promise of something they could not really make good on (safety). Having said that, though there is much I disagree with in this article, there are some take away nuggets that deserve attention, and consideration. Those nuggets I have copied and pasted here: ... One of the less-remembered parts of the Osama bin Laden fairytale was that the NSA had a hard time keeping track of his communications with his Al CIAda operatives. Why? Because, as General Michael Hayden told CBS News back in early 2001, bin Laden used standard encryption and off-the-shelf American telecommunication products. Sound unbelievable? That’s because it is. As they go on to admit in that very same report, they were tracking bin Laden’s satellite phone after all, and as James Bamford and others have described in exhaustive detail, the NSA was monitoring Al Qaeda’s “communications hub” in Yemen for years prior to 9/11, and purposefully withholding most of that information from the CIA bin Laden unit. But the idea that the NSA just wasnt able to track bin Laden because of his dastardly technology was a key meme for the NSA to implant in the immediate wake of 9/11. That’s why the Hayden interview was replayed on CBS less than 48 hours after the attacks, and that’s why, as recently declassified documents show, the NSA used 9/11 as an official talking point to justify their illegal surveillance of Americans. This of course, was a lie. As NSA insiders have pointed out for years, most if not all of the current illegal collections programs began before 9/11, but the events of September 11th provided the perfect justification for the revelation and expansion of those programs. Now, over a decade later, that is paying off. Just two weeks after a federal district court judge ruled the NSA’s collection of telephone metadata unconstitutional, a different district court judge ruled it constitutional. In his particularly florid ruling, U.S. District Court Judge William Pauley wrote: “The September 11th terrorist attacks revealed, in the starkest terms, just how dangerous and interconnected the world is. While Americans depended on technology for the conveniences of modernity, al-Qaeda plotted in a seventh-century milieu to use that technology against us. It was a bold jujitsu. And it succeeded because conventional intelligence gathering could not detect diffuse filaments connecting al-Qaeda.” No matter if it bears any resemblance to reality. This has been planted and the courts are willing to go along with it. It is now official lore that the NSA needs to spy on everyone’s phone metadata to prevent the next 9/11 from taking place.... --------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the article is enclosed so that you can read it for yourself, research it for yourself and make your own determinations as I have made mine. It goes into the assumption of conspiracy and false flags. and again though I do not believe that, I do think the powers that be were looking for the opportunity since 1993 after the first WTC attack because the Patriot Act we have today and all that goes along with it looks too much like Joe Bidens first draft of it presented on the Senate floor in 1994. #endthePatriotAct #endtheNDAA #stopwtchingus
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:36:17 +0000

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