Though it is a frightening chain of events, Ebola and other - TopicsExpress


Though it is a frightening chain of events, Ebola and other infections can be prevented with augmented human behavior. In fact, Ebola is less infectious than the Flu virus, reports Tom Solomon from the University of Liverpool. In 1976, several outbreaks had occurred in Southern Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo of hemorrhagic fever by an unknown virus (at the time). Today, scientists know much more about the virus called Ebola, including its genome, structure and various subtypes. Much worry has swept across the nation as patients have entered the country and who have been tested positive for Ebola. Doctors now know how to implement better preventative measures than previously used, and this knowledge is what can put a stop to the spread of the infection. Some of the causes of the infection actually come from the fruit bat, where people may come into contact with contaminated fluids. Chimpanzee, or brush meat, can also be contaminated and passed onto humans. The World Health Organization says the transmission of this virus can occur through close contact with secretions, organs, and bodily fluids of infected animals. Gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, antelope, and porcupines have been found carrying Ebola. Once contracted, the way Ebola can spread through the human community is by direct contact through broken skin tissue, or mucous membranes. Blood, secretions, organs, and fluids are known to transmit the infection. Men who have recovered from the virus still transmit the infection through their semen for up to 7 weeks following recovery. Ebola vs. Flu The key difference of transmission between flu and Ebola is that the flu is easily passed through coughing and sneezing around other humans. So how does one prevent a viral outbreak of Ebola? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says to avoid going to places where the outbreak has been known to occur. Though the virus has been brought to the United States, the chance of it spreading is very slim. Public health officials have warned that viral outbreaks are just a plane flight away, but to completely prevent Ebola means to completely stay out of contact with bodily fluids and secretions, or infected meat and organs. Within the United States, it will be healthcare workers who are at risk, so caution should be handled if cohabitating with a health worker who has been exposed to Ebola until a vaccine has been produced. If healthcare workers wear full protective gear and monitor every patient for signs of infection, the CDC claims these steps should help prevent the spread of many diseases.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:14:28 +0000

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