Thought I would give a little background as to how I came to spin - TopicsExpress


Thought I would give a little background as to how I came to spin Samoyed. When I got my first Samoyed, Sasha, in the US in 1988 I wanted to have her coat spun into yarn. I searched for someone to do it for me, but handcrafting was in a decline at that time and I was unable to find anyone to take on the commission. I moved to England, and we got our new pup Misha in 2005. I decided that I would find someone here to spin her coat for me. I started saving it with that in mind. Over the years I put feelers out, I asked at every craft and knitting show I went to if they knew of anyone. I got a few names, I wrote emails, made calls, to no avail. I still had no one to spin the coat for me. I thought of the old quote…” One is never served so well as by oneself.” So, last year I decided to learn to spin. Why not after all? I was in England; there had to be places within close distances where I could learn. Wheels could be easily bought. Time to do it. In the end I learned by reading how to spin online, I watched YouTube videos, ordered DVDs and books. I joined groups and asked questions. I got a wheel – after a few abortive attempts on a suspended spindle – and haven’t looked back. After having taken the bit between my teeth, I also found a chapter of the Spinners, Weavers, and Dyers Guild not too far from me. They were helpful with some questions, although none of them really specialized in dog coat. I’ve found I enjoy spinning Samoyed immensely – and knitting with it. It’s such a beautiful yarn visually and in the hand. But what is more enjoyable is being able to create something that can bring comfort and closeness to the people who have lost their loved companions. They will always have a tangible piece of them. I may not have known all the dogs whose coats I spin, but my love for the breed and their beauty, and knowing how they were or are loved by their owners is what inspires me to create a unique, handspun yarn to honour them. I have several memento items planned to offer that I need to get knitted and photographed. But, as I am a one person operation… I suppose I better go get spinning!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 11:28:55 +0000

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