Thought for the day: Health care may not be a right, but it is a - TopicsExpress


Thought for the day: Health care may not be a right, but it is a necessity to having a happy and productive society. Attached is an Interesting article that sparked my thought today. It is about some people trying to lower costs of health care and being blocked by lobbyists? Who is to blame for the high costs the politicians or big business? I say both and by allowing the media to divide us and blame only one depending on which talking head we tend to believe we hurt the chances of ever getting affordable health care for the nation. 1 in 3 people who have insurance have health care bills they cant or struggle to pay, This is a huge problem and just getting rid of Obama care is not the answer. There has to be a removal of profit from the health care industry, There has to be a large group pool of people paying into a health care fund / insurance. Doctors not insurance companies or politicians should decide what treatments are needed, with oversight committees to make sure the doctors are making choices based on care not their own profits. There are answers to address this issue and all are not socializing but it will play a part as the amount the US pays for health care is stupid when up against other countries. The USA spends $8,915 per person on health care, reaching a total of $2.8 trillion per year. That figure is more than two-and-a-half times more than most developed nations in the world, including relatively rich European countries like France, Sweden and the United Kingdom. On a more global scale, it means U.S. health care costs now eat up 17.6 percent of GDP. The worst profit pigs in the industry as far as I can find are healthcare real-estate trusts (firms that are basically the landlords for hospitals and healthcare facilities) they have a 25% profit margin. next is Big Pharma 17% Health insurance is not even close they have a measly 3.9% profit margin To put that in some perspective the oil and gas industry average is 10% profit. With all of these health care business making billions and trillions, the profit margin shift to 0 and have them run by co-ops could drop the cost of health care by 46% or down to $4814 per year per person or in other words $400 per month. Now we all are saying I cant afford $400 but if you consider the billions of taxes that we already pay to cover that 2.8 trillion dollar health care bill chances are we are damn close to paying that much already. We all know politician and bureaucrats cant organize a one man rush on a 2 hole shitter, so letting them run the health care is not smart. We know that for profit health care what has got us to this mess we are in. The obvious solution is let the pros run the business but take out the profit and then you have a co-op. Do not worry about the investors there are lots of other better profit margins out there in other industries besides health care that everyone needs. Do not worry about the top execs from those companies they have made so much they deserve a break to enjoy their life before they need health care LOL Do not worry about the employees in those fields they will be the ones running the co-ops and their wages would stay the same since we only have to cut profits. Stop letting the politicians take bribes and money from big business and stop big business driving up the costs of health care.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:46:21 +0000

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